As we near the end of summer, here is a question I have for you, "Are you using the right form of energy to grow your business?" Are you having trouble growing your small business as fast as you want? Are you making all the right moves and still the business just inches forward? Read this article and see if you are using the right form of energy to grow your small business?Head EnergyMy consulting experiences have taught me there are two types...more
To survive in business, you've got to focus your attention on the areas that will guarantee you success. Your clients are your greatest asset. Taking the time to educate them and connect with them will pay big dividends over the long haul. There are lots of ways to spend your marketing dollars. But I've found that the number one most effective marketing tool around is a newsletter. This is the perfect time of year to fine tune - or develop -...more
As a busy executive, you face some extremely difficult challenges like creating and dominating new markets or finding and keeping the best people. But then, like many executives, do you find yourself spending too much time solving everyday problems (that only you can solve, right?), which prevent you from growing your ideal business?Most managers find themselves spending 80% or more of their time "reacting" to business events and very little time in preventing those same events from occurring again. If this sounds familiar then you may be making some of these management mistakes: Do you have a compelling vision for your company, that projects a remarkable future, but few of your employees have heard of it or could explain it if asked? Do you have a company mission that addresses your customer needs yet your operations fail to measure your progress towards your mission? Do your objectives focus on increasing revenue and profitability while your assets are performing poorly, generating negative cash flows, or encumbered by debt to create the profit? Do you talk a lot about your employees (positive or negative) without noting what your employee turnover or performance metrics are...more
A white paper on how companies should analyse customer data to gain better business intelligence and how they can use that knowledge.GAINING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCEIn an increasingly competitive world, using your client database smartly, to gain a better understanding of your number one asset - your customers - can make or break the success of your...more
A bank or mortgage company is nothing more than a box in which to keep money. The owner of the box has to do a few calculations. Firstly, how much is he going to offer those people who deposit cash in his box, in return for such a deposit? Secondly, how much of that money should he keep as cash in case the owners of that cash want it back? Maybe...more
IF If it seems as if all investors are selling, who is buying? If trading has become entertainment for you, it may be time to refocus on profits. If your stock has reached an annual low, can it go any lower? If your stock has reached an annual high, can it go any higher? If all the television analysts jumped off a bridge, would anyone care? If your portfolio is based solely on fundamental analysis, perhaps it is time to learn technical analysis. If I said you had a beautiful portfolio, would you hold it against an index? If you are tired of losing value on the long side, perhaps its time to learn both sides of the market. If you do not have a written financial plan, you should. If you could put aside $205 at the beginning of each month for thirty- five years, with an 11% annualized return you may save over $1 million. If you have stopped looking at your portfolio statements, does that mean your game plan is off? If a fool and his money are easily separated, who introduced the two? If buy and hold is your philosophy, why do you need a broker? If a tree falls in the forest, does it ruin the stock market for the day? If someone invented a computer program for investments that proved...more
Let's face it, unless you're Donald Trump, business can be pretty dull most of the time. Maybe that's why so many people decorate their cubicles and offices with cartoons. A good laugh can really perk up your day! So why don't more businesses use...more
An effort built around a string of print and broadcast exposures? Or, a public relations initiative that delivers results far beyond simple publicity tactics. Namely, real behavior change among your most important outside audiences leading...more
Birds of a feather do flock together. It's true. Given a choice, most of us will seek out people who think like we do, people with whom we feel comfortable, those we won't quarrel with. Visit any company cafeteria and you will notice that the people...more
In this "special report", I want to pose a few important "philosophical questions" to my readers. Firstly -- our Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, addressed the effects and implications of our aging population on things such as Social...more
Here are some simple tips to help you improve your cross cultural communication skills:Slow DownEven when English is the common language in a cross cultural situation, this does not mean you should speak at normal speed. Slow down, speak clearly and...more
Although real estate bankruptcy cases no longer dominate the bankruptcy courts' dockets as they did in the early nineties, but they continue to be filed with great frequency in UK. At its essence, the real estate bankruptcy is a two party dispute...more