If you're a college student, you probably already have a credit card. If not, you may have plans to get one or more soon. So why should you read on? Because financial debt is one of the main reasons that many students end up dropping out of college. Because your college years can be some of your most memorableĀand some of your most costly. They don't, however, have to be the beginning of an adult life strapped with debt. Although you may still...more
Telecommuting is becoming a reality. Although Leave Administration is one of the simplest human resource tasks performed in a company, employees will realise that a paper based Leave Administration system is inefficient when a telecommuting business model is considered. LeaveForms, a web-browser based, employee self-service, leave administration system offers a solution to this predicament.Telecommuting is becoming a reality. The workplace has...more
How can we add Word Rich Content to our Websites without overtly duplicating others website content, and as an end product maintain our own Individualism? In theory Article Libraries are the answer to the above question. But, is it true that if you continually add like information to your site, you no longer maintain an individual posture? Not every article that is submitted to your site will fit the needs of your particular agenda. Your site contains individual keywords that are meant to enhance the theme of your pages. Although it is true that many persons who submit articles to you may also have a similar website theme, it is important to examine the content of each article. Ask yourself: Do I agree with the message this article is conveying. Why is the information relative to my website? Does this article contain information that enhances my visitor's experience? Does the article provide correct information? Providing article and content that is intended for the soul purpose of gaining Page Rank will in the end take away the individualism of your website. Remember the average visitor will stay at your site between two minutes or less. As they scan your pages, it will not...more
Just happens to be public relations activity that alters individual perceptions leading directly to changed behaviors. PR pulls that off by persuading a manager's key outside audiences with the greatest behavior impacts on the organization, to its way of thinking. Then it moves those external stakeholders to take actions that help the ...more
The rewarding of high compensation packages to top executives who turned over weak quarterly earnings, or who were involved in corporate scandals, adversely affected short-term investing, and collectively contributed to the downturn of the global economy over the last couple of years. Even the help and expertise of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan...more
There is no magic pill, trick, teqnique, system or secret to success. However there are many beliefs and habits that will bring you the desired results that you wish to have. It is your choice to develop the appropriate beliefs and habits that produce the results that you wish to have. If you honestly are not happy with the results that you are having then you must change the actions, which are producing those results. The following are 6 of the habits, which I have found will rapidly accelerate your sales and income to heights, which only you will limit.The number one "secret" in order to boost you sales is Activity. There are 3 ways to increase your income in sales 1. Activity, 2. Closing ratio, and 3. Average job size. The easiest of these three ways is to increase your activity. You cannot sell jobs if you are not consistently delivering written Quotes and asking for the order. Many salespeople pre-judge, and pre-qualify (or disqualify) their prospects and never deliver the proposal, which will solve their potential clients needs. Many salespeople also deliver the proposal but then fail to ask for the order and close.The second "secret" is your Belief. You must have positive...more
Business etiquette is in essence about building relationships with people. In the business world, it is people that influence your success or failure. Etiquette, and in particular business etiquette, is simply a means of maximising your business...more
You're not alone. Most people are uncomfortable walking into a roomful of strangers. But networking at business events can help you grow your business, as well as allow you to do hands-on marketing research. Learning to mingle and to follow-up...more
If you have decided to outsource some of your CAD to an offshore service provider ("OSP"), it is important that you carefully evaluate your potential partner first. Outsource to them only if they successfully pass through your appraisal sieve. Here...more
"R-E-S-P-E-C-T / find out what it means to me" is a line made famous by Aretha Franklin, and one that recruiters have adopted as their mantra. This is probably because there is a love-hate relationship between candidates and recruiters. Specifically,...more
When doing business abroad it is important to understand the local culture. Culture includes areas such as a country's norms, values, behaviours, food, architecture, fashion and art. However, one area of culture that is important for the...more
Business etiquette is essentially about building relationships with colleagues, clients or customers. In the business world, it is these people that can influence your success or failure. Etiquette, and in particular business etiquette, is simply a...more