Negotiation is where many FSBO home sellers really have problems. The wrong attitude or a slip of the tongue could cost you thousands. Here are a few pointers to keep you on the right path: 1. Show interest in selling the house. In an effort to project a sense of strength many people either take an aggressive "take it or leave it" attitude, or they appear to be overly relaxed, almost disinterested. It is better to have an open mind, stay calm, be...more
Import duties continue to be significant elements in the cost of international trade. Yet many companies and businesses still pay more duties than the law requires - which impacts adversely on landed cost and ultimately on business profitability. A planned approach to managing customs duty costs would look to eliminate, reduce and delay payment of customs duties. How to reduce customs duties in your businessThere are many ways to reduce customs...more
Profit Puppy Ecourse No.8Making money with information products-Guys, this is one of the most powerful business strategies on the internet!-So have you ever thought about becoming an infopreneur?Info marketing is a multi-million dollar industry which is still open to just about anyone with a good idea. There's the potential to earn a six figure income from selling your own tapes, ebooks, videos, reports, CD's, ezines and DVDS to name a few. I actually know a few people who are making millions a year through home-based operations (and a few others who have been able to subsidize their incomes from low risk business ideas). In most cases, all it took was some good market research and the get up and go to actually put the information product together.Believe it or not, that's the biggest obstacle to overcome when putting together an ebook or DVD product is actually having the motivation to get started - it's not as hard as it sounds! The most common, and usually the most successful information products are e-books, audio cd / tapes and increasingly, DVD's. We'll take a look at each of these categories below:Writing a successful ebookYou really have 2 options here. You can develop...more
Could it be possible that you are staring right into the most spectacular financial opportunity of the century? Operation: Iraqi Freedom will undoubtedly be a war marked in history for loss and tragedy, American victory, and the rise of a nation with a new democratic government. But could it also be a war historically remembered for the financial...more
Dear Reader,These articles will provide a step by step guide on how to start and run a home based business based on my experiences and other home business owners. This is part 2 in a series of 5 articles. They are written in a basic format and where possible main points are summarised in an attempt to be understood by all. I have tried to...more
Traditionally, in American businesses, the same person occupies the role of chairman of the board and chief executive officer, though this is gradually shifting to the European model. In most European, British, and Canadian businesses, the roles are usually split, in an effort to ensure better governance of the company, and in turn bring higher returns to investors. Combining the roles does have its advantages, such giving the CEO multiple perspectives on the company as a result of their multiple roles, and empowering them to act with determination. However, this allows for little transparency into the CEO's acts, and as such their actions can go unmonitored, it paves the way for scandal and corruption. According to Ira Millstein, an expert in corporate governance, an effectively independent board is a shareholder's best protection. Separating the roles allows the chair to check up on the CEO, and in turn the company's overall performance, on behalf of the stockholders.Separating the roles also allows the CEO and chairman to focus on different, equally vital aspects of the company's performance. "We think it is an appropriate segregation of duties. As a business grows, the...more
I am often asked how I stay happy and motivated all the time. The answer has two parts to it; positivity and self-talk.Many years ago I had a colleague who was forever complaining about everything and everyone in her life. Each day when she arrived...more
Many people have asked me why I wrote my book, 'The Street Kid's Guide to Having it All', and I realized that some people simply do not believe that it is possible to 'have it all'. Well, I am here as an ambassador to dispel that rumor once and for...more
One of the greatest ways to promote your product or service is with publicity. Many people have little, if any, understanding of how to go about securing publicity, never mind free publicity. Fact is, people will pay more attention to free publicity...more
Canada's lean leaders need to look beyond the horizon and chart the futureIn stormy times, true leadership skills emerge, says Larry Coté, the President of Lean Advisors Inc. ( Larry CotéThe rumbles on our economic outlook...more
For many Americans, an important component of the American Dream is the possibility of hard work turning into financial fortune. The career exploits of such self made magnates like Andrew Carnegie, Lee Iaccoca and Donald Trump are examples for many....more
There has been a lot of talk recently about American jobs moving overseas offshoring is the buzzword for it. During difficult economic times it is often easy to find a scapegoat to blame for a downturn in jobs. While government reports and...more