We live in a world of constant change, and even though the vast majority of these changes are for the better, change is still something that many people - and therefore many organisations - can find extremely difficult to deal with. Why is this, and what can be done to help people embrace change rather than fearing it?The nature of changeChange is all around us. Changes can be small or large, but the overall impression they create is of a world...more
According to the Institute of Psychiatry (April 2005), for the first time, stress, anxiety and depression have overtaken physical ailments as the most common cause of long-term absence from work. With sickness absence reportedly costing employers an average of £522 per employee per year (or an average of 10 lost working days), there are good reasons to look closely at the root causes of absenteeism and, where possible, provide early intervention...more
Taxes is an issue when running an Auction Business. But is there a grey line when it comes to declaring it?It's really within reason if you're going to do a huge amount of it, a small amount is negligible.Some people want to have a small business for write-offs, you might want to consider taking it to the next level and be able to write off some of your expenses like your computer, office space, supplies, etc.Each state and each province has their own amount of sales you can do without declaring, & charging taxes. Check with your state to see what amount you have to do before you start taking taxes.The BC goverment (where I live) gives you an allowance of $30,000 before you have to charge for sales tax, that's for someone who legally has a business.There's definate advantages of having a business license, declaring your income and being able to have write-offs. That being said, legally you have to declare taxes if you're profiting from it.Are You Holding Onto Too Much Product?We all love to make money but after a while when you get too much product built up, you can start losing money. Why would we do that?What happens is we get in a mindset on the value we feel our items are worth...more
My husband loves to negotiate. So much so that whenever I need to buy new running shoes, he always buys a pair, too, with the hopes that he can swing a "deal" with the store by buying two pairs at once. Of course, he never gets a discount, but what I find fascinating is the number of times he asks for a discount, doesn't get it, and still buys the...more
There are many options for someone wanting to work at home. The many types of work at home jobs means there is something for everyone. A person must first define what type of work at home job they want to find. This will make finding a work at home job easier. Sales jobs are one of the biggest work at home options. There are direct sales jobs where...more
It is that time in life that we all look forward to. It is time to sit and relax and no longer have to worry about catching the bus or missing lunch just to beat the deadline. It is that point in our lives that the challenges of a planned working schedule is modified into a more relaxing pace, away from the hustle and bustle of the everyday struggle to work.It is the day of retirement.Basically, retirement systems refer to the methods or processes, in which the employees can begin use of their retirement benefits depending on the nature of their job and the amount of their take home pay.In the United States, the retirement system may vary from one state to another state. However, every retirement system functions and operates just the same.The retirement system is categorically divided into four different retirement systems. These are the Judges Retirement System, State Employees, School Employees, and the State Police Employees Retirement Systems. Every category has it own system and each of them ha its functions as well as restrictions.To know more about the four retirement systems, here are some facts that are very helpful to those who need it.1. Judges Retirement SystemThis...more
Managing diversity isn't just a moral and legal obligation, it can present tangible business benefits as well.What is diversity?We in the UK are fortunate to live in a country which is rich in the diversity of its population. Nowadays, your work...more
One question almost every investor asks at some point is whether it is possible to achieve above market returns by selecting a diversified group of stocks according to some formula, rather than having to evaluate each stock from every angle. There...more
Putting together a resume is not an easy feat, and many job seekers are so relieved to be done with this arduous task that they can't wait to be done with it. Recall though, that your resume is a marketing tool and is the first impression an...more
One of the greatest decisions and largest risks of a person or organizations life is starting a business. The next big decision? Whether or not to go franchise. A franchise business is one which is basically a duplicate of a previous business. The...more
Working at home is something that appeals to many people. The benefits are great. The problem is that many people have the same idea, so finding a home business is sometimes difficult. There are plenty of opportunities, but if a person doe not know...more
Retirement doesn't mean the end of an active lifestyle. Quite the contrary, it opens up new opportunities for many new activities. Some retirees substitute voluntary community work for their former work. This gives definition or meaning to their...more