At tax time, most Americans find themselves expecting a refund. That's no surprise, as most people have too much money withheld from their paychecks. It would be a simple matter to adjust the withholding so that the amount of money withheld is roughly equal to the amount of tax owed, but most people are content to get a refund check every spring.Until relatively recently, when a taxpayer had a refund coming, he or she had to wait two months or so...more
Did you know that it is very likely your company is a victim of fraud? In fact, it's probably happening right now! Fraud takes many forms - some obvious and well known, others subtle and unmarked. This two-part article sheds some light on the topic. Part 1 helps you determine whether your company is vulnerable to (or, indeed, already a victim of) fraud. It discusses fraud in further detail and provides definitions and real-life fraud examples....more
What's the thing that seems to always happen every time you are finding it difficult to meet your credit card payments? You get slapped with a penalty fee. These fees or penalties seem to always happen just at the very moment you need them least. Someone once described a banker as a man who will lend you his umbrella, and then ask for it back as soon as it starts raining. This seems typical of many people's dealing with the financial services industries.What are the reasons that you can be hit with a penalty from your credit card provider? Well the most common is that you fail to make your minimum payment on time. This is by far the penalty that most people hate the most and the one that seems to hit customers at the least convenient times. There are other credit card penalties that can occur for various administrative breaches you commit such as writing a credit card check that bounces, or going over your credit card limit. There are a number of reasons why you may commit one of the acts that cause credit card penalties to be applied to your account. If it is a first time occurrence or a once off, you may be able to call your credit card provider and request them to waive the fee...more
From television commercials to websites to expos and conferences, the call to become an entrepreneur is loud and clear. And it's no surprise. According to the latest research, owning a business has been cited as the number one goal of Americans today. Approximately 62,000 small businesses start up on a monthly basis nationally, according to the...more
How often do people try to sell us something before we have expressed an interest, have a desire, or are in the market for what they have? It seems the standard for many salespeople is to try to sell to anyone and everyone regardless of the interest level. When someone attempts to sell us something before we have expressed an interest, the initial...more
Using sample business plans and their structure, along with studying as many business plan examples as you can, will provide you with the necessary framework to consider your business from every possible angle.Starting or running your business without a business plan is akin to being a human without a skeleton!Not only will using a sample structure highlight any areas you haven't fully thought through, but it will also provide you with a good idea of what makes a good business plan, and what doesn't. The importance of your business plan as a motivational factor in running or starting your business cannot be underestimated. You will find that your commitment continues to build as you collect information, research and write each section. Your business plan should always accompany requests for Small Business Loans , and lenders or any kind of angel investor will simply refuse to consider your business proposal without one. Lenders and investors want to see your plan with the aim of satisfying key questions before they make their decision to grant funding or not. Once you've commenced trading your small business plan will act as a steak in the ground, and help you measure where you...more
"Please -- Pretty Please!! I really, really want to do this." From the sounds of things you'd think a parent and a child were in "one of those" arguments. But it's really a wife trying to persuade her husband to let her work from home. Getting your...more
There has been a rapid growth in the availability of zero per cent rates in the credit card industry. These have been caused by the combination of very low national interest rates, and the injection of fierce competition from American lenders such as...more
As you apply for a home loan or look to refinance your home, it is important to understand your situation and how it will be affected by the type of loan that you will be applying for.But first, it is important to find out why you need the loan. For...more
Consumer worries about credit card fraud have resulted in numerous protections being created. A consumer whose credit card is wrongly used by another generally has one hundred percent protection. If your personal credit card is stolen and used by an...more
For over 20 years I have worked as an independent IT/Business consultant for some of the most prestigious organisations in the world including companies like Telstra, BHP, BMA Coal, Suncorp Metway and many many more. But it still astounds me, that...more
The peddlers of hot penny stocks today peddle their wares much like the hot cross bun streetsellers of the 19th. Century. They don't exactly hawk their wares round the shopping malls crying out "Get your hot penny stocks tips here", but...more
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