Frequent flyer credit cards are considered to be the best of the reward type credit cards. Many credit cards offer rewards ranging from money back to free air travel, like frequent flyer credit cards. These cards let you earn free air miles for making purchases on your credit card. This is a good offer for people who travel often. The key is to find the card that offers the best deal.The first step to finding the best frequent flyer credit...more
Building a resilient workforce to manage pressure effectively'Resilience' is the new buzzword for the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or other 'stressors'. It's how we 'bounce back' from difficult situations. And fortunately resilience isn't a characteristic that we either do or don't have. It involves behaviours, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed.Studies have shown that the most...more
If you have employees, you must meet a payroll week after week. You must always have money to pay creditors - the man who sells you goods or materials, the dealer who furnishes fixtures and equipment, the landlord if you rent, the mortgage holder if you are buying your place of business, the publisher running your advertisements, the tax collector, and many others. All of these must be paid before you can pay yourself.You must accept sole responsibility for all final decisions. A wrong judgment on your part can result in losses not only to yourself but, possibly, to your employees, creditors, and customers as well. Moreover, you must withstand, alone, adverse situations caused by circumstances frequently beyond your control. To overcome these business setbacks and keep your business profitable means long hours of hard work. It could very well not be the work you want to do. As someone else's employee you developed a skill. Now, starting a business of your own, you may expect to use that skill 40 or more hours a week. Instead, you must perform the management tasks as well. You must keep the books, analyze accounting records, sit back and do long range planning, jump in and handle...more
You Can Start a Restaurant Business - Here's HowThose looking to start a restaurant business need to be properly equipped with the right information. Everywhere you look; there is another magazine or a book that promises to help you along the way. But who can you trust? The good news is that there are some simple steps that anyone can take to...more
The strongest houses are built on the strongest foundations. No matter how well-constructed and reinforced the walls and roof are, none of it will stand under stress if the foundation is weak. Conversely, a strong foundation will help strengthen an imperfect structure.The success of individuals on your sales team and the direction of your sales...more
Even the hardest-hitting corporate executives sometimes need to punch up their presentation skills. Nick Paulus, an executive and business coach who offers online articles on effective business presentations, recently recounted his observations during an event sponsored by a highly esteemed investment bank. According to Paulus, "Although it was a big event, it was still lacking some of the basics." At the event, Paulus found four mistakes that are all too common in today's business presentations:1. The presenter - who was the company CEO - stood behind a conference lectern. While this traditional approach provides the speaker with a certain image and level of comfort, a conference lectern places a barrier between the speaker and his audience. It's much more effective - particularly when using PowerPoint presentations - to have a headset microphone or a wireless lapel microphone, and engage your audience by utilizing the entire area of the stage.2. Adorning the wall behind the CEO was a giant banner trumpeting the name and logo of the investment bank. If the event were being covered by the media, you'd want the company's name and logo broadcast and photographed. In the absence of...more
If you've ever applied for a loan or credit card, chances are your lender acquired and examined a copy of your credit report before deciding whether or not to grant you credit. Your "Credit Report" is a record of your credit history and it's prepared...more
A certified public accountant (CPA) is a professional individual who works on their own or is a part of an accounting firm. A certified public accountant (CPA) is generally in charge of monitoring and keeping track of the financial records of an...more
Key points to remember in understanding what your company is worth The asset approach considers the underlying tangible assets of an enterprise individually. The sum of the fair values of each asset, after netting out the aggregate total of the...more
Perhaps you've decided to relocate. Or maybe you've outgrown your home and need to find homes for sale that will accommodate your growing family. Or perhaps your children are grown, you've made the decision to downsize, and are in the market for real...more
When an individual files their tax returns each year they are able to claim a number of tax deductions. Many times a tax deduction can reduce the amount of money that is owed to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or it can create a larger tax refund....more
Year after year, the lack of managerial experience and aptitude has accounted for more than 90 percent of all failures.Many factors may adversely affect individual firms over which owners have little control. In such cases, the astute manager can...more