As if the problems of tenancies were not enough that loan providers too have started treating tenants in a step motherly fashion. Such is the indifference of loan providers that it appears as though loan opportunities are all shut for the tenants. Since they do not have a home of their own, tenants are often eyed with suspicion. What if the tenant runs away after borrowing? Legal procedure sure offers a relief but it is often too...more
When somebody has done something good, it is right to provide him or her some rewards. For all the hardships and continuous service to the community, a worker is entitled to all the required benefits in exchange for all the services that he or she has done.It is for this reason that retirement benefits are extremely important. It is solely the best gratification one could ever have after so many years of working hard.In the military, people who...more
A "Lo Doc" or sometimes call "Lo Doc Home loan" are mortgage or home loans where documentation for verification of your income is not required. However, all other documentation is. These loans are ideally suited to self-employed, independent contractors, investors, credit rating impaired, ex-bankrupt or clients with arrears on current mortgages and borrowers who have been rejected by traditional lenders. Including people with suitable incomes but to meet bank verification takes valuable times and money. Low Doc Home Loans (Low Document) are usually slightly more expensive than traditional loans due to the higher risk profile. This is primarily for people who are looking to purchase investment properties, residential or refinance existing housing property and don't have PAYG or current taxation returns confirming their income, which normally sustains a standard investment loan.There are 3 main types of Low Doc or No Document Loans.No Ratio LoansThese loans are for lenders who may not wish to disclose their incomes, Thus there is no debt to income ratios for the lender to consider. Good credit and abundant assets the No Ratio borrower has makes up for the lender not considering the...more
As clients meet with me to discuss leadership, inevitably the conversation turns to decision-making. Making decisions is one of the most taxing job responsibilities that leaders have. In my experience, leaders suffer more than they should because they make too many decisions. Too often, they fail to ask, "Whose decision is it?" or "Who is the...more
Is your business missing out on valuable tax deductions you can take for the use of your personal vehicle for business purposes?If you haven't done so already, you should definitely beat a path to the door of your local office supply store and pick up a notebook for logging the mileage you drive to conduct business—and be sure to log the miles you...more
HUD reverse mortgages can be a great tool for Seniors that are looking for additional funds for retirement. Through a HUD reverse mortgage, seniors can tap into the equity from their homes without having to make repayments.HUD Reverse Mortgage EligibilityHomeowners must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for a HUD reverse mortgage:- Homeowner must be age 62 or older.- The home must be owned free and clear or have a mortgage balance that can be paid from equity.- The home must be a principal residence.- The property must be a single-family home, a one-to-four unit dwelling with one unit occupied by the applicant, a manufactured home (mobile home), or a unit in condominiums or Planned Unit Developments.- The property must meet minimum property standards.Homeowners that qualify can receive payments in a lump sum, on a monthly basis, or on an occasional basis as a line of credit. At a later date the payment options can be restructured if circumstances change.Guidelines on HUD Reverse Mortgage AmountsThe amount that can be borrowed on a HUD reverse mortgages is determined by the following criteria: - The borrower's age - The older the borrower the more that can be...more
Credit Cards For Anybody?Credit Cards are widespread all over the US as well as worldwide and are accepted Internationally as a very convenient mean of payment either in person at stores, via the phone and the Internet or on signed forms via the...more
Value Investing refers to a philosophy or practice of buying stocks that are fundamentally sound, but the stock price is below its obvious value. There are various indicators that Value Investors use to determine that a company is both sound and the...more
If you're young and just starting out credit cards are certainly convenient and can help you establish a good credit history, which will be important when you need to make major purchases down the road. However, carrying a credit card comes with big...more
Having a web site and being visible on the net can be really exciting. After years of hard, but interesting work it can reward with a million dollars or simply fall into oblivion. The only way to keeping head above water is continuously provide a...more
How often do you find yourself saying: "I wish I knew how to learn more about this topic"Well, we were listening! And this article is the result. Today human resources management is opening up new horizons in many different offices around not only...more
Home equity loans are an extremely popular source of credit. Lenders offer dozens of varieties of loans making it very easy to tap the equity in your home. If you browse the marketplace online, you will find most of these loans come with variable...more