Unclaimed Money and unclaimed property searches are conducted by most Americans on an annual, if not biannual, basis. With over $25 billion in unclaimed money in the United States most people find money for themselves or one of their immediate family members. Unfortunately if the search is not done thoroughly you may miss money owed to you. Here are 5 tips to help you search for your unclaimed money: 1 - Search for variations of your nameFor...more
If you are like a lot of people working for Corporate America, continuously working in the same job becomes too repetitive and a change is needed. We call it he "two year itch". But looking at wear to land after taking your next leap forward is not as easy as it sounds. Job profiles are very misleading, and for the most part, do not reflect the reality of the daily routine. Aside from certain migratory patterns one follow, sometimes it may be...more
"At senior levels of an organization, the ability to adapt, to make decisions quickly in situations of high uncertainty, and to steer through wrenching change is critical. But at a time when the need for superior talent is increasing, big U.S. companies are finding it difficult to attract and retain good people. Executives and experts point to a severe and worsening shortage of the people needed to run divisions and manage critical functions, let alone lead companies. Everyone knows organizations where key jobs go begging, business objectives languish, and compensation packages skyrocket." Elizabeth Chambers etal, McKinsey & Company, The War for TalentIn a recent interview, Dr. Jay Conger states, "Business organizations are not designed to be great training grounds for leadership development. They are great training grounds for execution of an existing business model and, if [the business model is] right, all you need are managers. The problem is that every few years that business model comes under attack and, when it does, you need leaders. Now the problem is that you haven't been developing them, so you get blown out of the water." ("Why Chief Executives Fail," May 2003,...more
Abstract: Time management is not about squeezing more into a day or eliminating distractions. It's about managing activities to achieve goals. This article shows you how.How many times have you thought or said, "Sure, I'd like to (take a course, take a vacation, work on an additional skill or project, etc) but there just isn't enough time." When...more
At the age of 36, Michael Abrashoff was selected to become Commander of the USS Benfold - at the time, the most junior commanding officer in the Pacific Fleet. The immediate challenges that faced him were staggering: Exceptionally low morale with unacceptably high turnover. Few thought that this ship could improve. In many ways, the Benfold was...more
Deploying Six Sigma means entering a period of significant change in your organization. Productivity and morale almost always suffers in times of great change. The requirements of change and adaptation and the very human fear of the unknown add to stresses of the work environment. In these times, communication becomes more important than ever.Communication throughout a Six Sigma project is very important because the power and scope of Six Sigma demands a significant commitment from everyone in the organization. Six Sigma successes require clear and open communication at all levels to transcend departmental barriers that would otherwise cause confusion. In addition, any change in an organization will meet some resistance, either intentional or just because of inertia. When management can effectively communicate that it is behind that change and can communicate the positive aspects of the change, resistance can be countered and overcome.Company leadership must be willing to give Six Sigma teams all of the tools and information necessary to apply Six Sigma concepts to their day-to-day activities. It is crucial in Six Sigma projects to clarify the rationale, expectations, goals, and...more
Getting an equity loan is fairly easy nowadays. Many lenders are offering equity loans online thatare presented to homeowners with credit problems and so forth. Still, few lenders expect a creditrating around 720; however, few lenders will accept...more
If you were recently declined for equity loans, you may want to perform another thoroughassessment of the market, since lenders are now opening the doors to bad credit borrowers, nocredit borrowers, and current home borrowers. If you were recently...more
If you are searching for an equity loan, you might want to read up on the latest news to stay ahead ofthe lender. When a borrower takes out loans for equity and the borrower has a feel of mortgages,then lenders are less likely to try to take...more
To achieve success in network marketing, it is helpful to know the characteristics of successful people. By attempting to emulate these characteristics and by being in touch with your own dreams and goals, you will realize an increased level of...more
While total and compound annual returns are useful, savvy investors will look deeper, using a variety of metrics, to get a more complete picture on mutual fund performance.On January 1, 2006, a leading financial daily reported the trailing 1-year and...more
Dynamic perpetual cyclers are the perfect international onlinebusiness for any marketer regardless of experience level, weatheryou are 18 or 80, business professional or not, downsized workers,stay at home mom or dad, lost your retirement pension or...more