The Pet Health Insurance Scene in USA Laws, rules and regulations have recently been extended to pets as well. Therefore it comes as a no surprise if someone spoke of pet health insurance. This has grown into a multi-faceted business today with celebrities advertising (read: flaunting) their pet health insurance policies! Though Europe was the pioneer country which started this entire pet health care insurance scene, other...more
Having cancer, stroke or heart attack are big blows to just about anyone and the thought of facing financial problems for medical treatments can just be as painful as the physical pain. Fortunately, people who get critically ill can get financial relief from the critical illness insurance. Critical illness insurance is a type of insurance that pays tax-free cash when the insured gets diagnosed with any of the wide range of covered critical...more
Health Insurance Reform Marketing: Full Court Press With a public that remains skeptical of both the concept and execution of healthcare reform, the Obama administration believes that what is needed is a greater public relations effort. Strangely for a president whose campaign marketing was wildly successful and admired, he has largely dropped the ball in this respect. Simple--yet effective--slogans like "Yes we can" and "Change you can believe in" turned into convoluted explanations of how health coverage will now be available to people with pre-existing conditions whose employers fail to offer insurance. While it is perfectly understandable that many Americans would consider the purported benefits not worth the drawbacks and cost, supporters feel that even those who would see direct benefits do not know or understand it yet.Seeking to change that, President Obama is conducting a speaking tour in between Gulf oil spill emergency commitments and dealing with other issues. His first stop had him highlighting one of the near-immediate provisions: the $250 prescription drug rebates for Medicare recipients. Older Americans have been more cold on the concept of healthcare...more
Buying health insurance online is undoubtedly the most pragmatic and convenient option for an individual as it gives him/her the liberty to go through each policy feature carefully, compare policies of different as well as same health insurance provider and then accordingly select the one that best suits the requirements.The importance of medical...more
With the difficulty for many people to pay for necessary health care, there are a number of different types of government-provided health insurance. Many people assume that this type of insurance requires individuals to be dirt poor to qualify, but this is not actually the case. Read on for a review of many of the options offered by both federal...more
American health insurance sector has witnessed key changes since the beginning of this year. Read on to find out what these changes mean for common Americans. Get useful tips on choosing an insurance package that is the closest to your requirements and friendly to your budget as well.Health insurance sector in America has undergone major changes since the beginning of this year, under the impact of the policies of Obama administration. Insurers have been forced to reduce premiums on individual policies, thanks to the Affordable Care Act that mandates for insurers to spend at least 80 percent of the accumulated premiums on medical claims, rather than administrative expenditure or profit, or pay rebates for the excess amount collected. Consumers are set to receive more value for their premium dollar.The regulation has brought transparency to the marketplace, making it easier for the Americans to buy plans that provide better value for their money. Insurance premiums have witnessed consistent upward curve in the country. Since 2005, the average family health insurance premium has gone up by 27 percent, making it harder for an average person to get proper insurance cover. Now, the...more
In the unfortunate event of being diagnosed with a severe illness at any point during your life, critical illness insurance will pay out a lump sum. As with any type of insurance plan, it comes with varying rules and regulations that must be...more
If you are running an organization in Chicago, Illinois then concerning the health of your employees becomes so vital for you. In this regard, you cant ignore the importance of widely appreciated group health insurance plans used as one of the...more
When it comes to choosing between health insurance plans, the jargon and fine print can easily prove overwhelming. While you may feel the urge to play "eeny, meeny, miney, moe" and simply pick one at random, it is nevertheless extremely important to...more
Health insurance generally covers health risks and helps the policy holder with health care expenses like vaccines, X-rays, routine physical examinations and hospitalization. There are several private medical insurance companies that make coverage...more
Many of us have not even thought about taking out a form of personal insurance and why havent we? Our lives are very busy doing something else and always putting it off. If we were to develop a critical illness and become ill, die of a heart attack...more
When it comes to emergency care, in the past there were two options: the primary physician or the emergency room. If one's primary care doctor was unavailable, then it was common sense to go to the emergency room at the closest hospital. Recent...more