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Do teeth-whitening gel sprain your teeth?

Do teeth-whitening gel sprain your teeth?

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Do spacers hurt more after braces?

I got my spacers a few days ago, and I can't eat a item. Luckily, I get them off subsequent week on the same day I return with my braces. I was just wondering if braces hurt as doomed to failure, because I am tired of not being able to chomp through anything besides...

Do spacers hurt more than braces?

bc i got spacers 2 dAYS ago and they dint hurt me at all and still dont hurt...but alota ppl say they do hurt.but i AM afraid braces will hurt and im getting those in 4 days, so do spacers hurt more than braces? yucckk. i got spacers on fridayy... Spacers hurt me...

Do spacers hurt more than braces?

ok, so i got my spacers put on yesterday (Tuesday) and they hurt like CRAZY!! I gotta know, do braces hurt more than spacers because if they do, I might a short time ago faint in the orthodontist's organization! I know for some people braces hurt more, but then again they said that spacers didn't...

Do Spacers Hurt? I'm Getting Braces & I'm Scared?

I'm getting spacers before my braces tomorrow, and I've been told that it hurts. I fixed to ask all my friends with braces and I get mixed answers. Some said it hurt, and others said it felt popcorn in your teeth. I don't know who to beleive, and im freaking out, because...

Do spacers hurt?!?

I just got the spacers surrounded by like 15 minutes ago... and it didnt really hurt when they put them in, end in ive had worst. And now they don't hurt When will they start hurting? I draw from my braces in next week... They may hurt by tonight or tomorrow! Then again, they may not! One...

Do spacers hurttttt ?

im getting them this tuesday , and aloottta ppl told me they hurtt ! so is it true ? Spacers for me were the most painful segment about braces. They hurt me so much! Good luck! first of all my dad is an orthodontist and my mom is a dentist. i have braces in a...

Do spaces hurt more afterwards braces?

NOO!! lol YES! spacers leave gap and u need to deal near them for 2 weeks (At least) Whereas Braces are only irritating for the first few days (This is vice versa if ur teeth are very doomed to failure.) Ohh man. I remember those. I actually never got...

Do speed braces Hurt ?

Hello, (: i'm getting ''speed braces'' this month, and i'v been wondering.. do they hurt as much as the regular braces do ? and how do they feel when they put it on, ps : I'm merely getting the braces on the top for the the first 3 months, does it still hurt with only...

Do stitches come out by themselves?

Well, today I went to the dentist to pull out 4 teeths that needed to be pulled out inorder for my braces to brand name my teeth get into a proper position, and when they pulled out one of my tooths, another tooth was stuck beneath it and it took about 40 minutes to take...

Do teacher capture a benefit discount on veneer for their teeth?

I heard that teachers take health insurance on dental and eye wear but are they covered on veneers. veneer would cost 10-15 thousand, i wonder if a full time teacher gets a cheaper price since they own benifits? To Be honest,It will take for a moment time to find the...

Do teachings teeth coming though?

None of my wisdom teeth have come though, my bottom teeth are really straight but they own a few little gaps, when I went to the dentist he told me I cannot gain braces to close the gaps because as my wisdom teeth come though they will requirement space and it will make my teeth come...

Do teeth become nicer over time?

The reason I'm asking is bc i have a small notch between my 2 front teeth... and I've always wanted to receive braces. But i heard that our wisdom teeth will eventually push the front teeth together. (create a straighter smile) is this true? :) um no, i dont think so. braces...

Do teeth grasp stronger from calcium?

Tonight I was eating corn on the cob and bit the metal fork holder not easy. It sounded like I broke my tooth right off but I looked and at hand was no damage at adjectives. Thank God because that would have been a thousand dollar repair. I munch through plenty of calcium and use...

Do teeth whitening strips really work?

what are some good teeth whitening strips that you recommend? Warning!Read this blog up to that time taking any action http://myteethwhiteningstory.wordpress.c... Thanks to this blog, it helped me closely to choose the best. Hope this helps Some work, some don't. You hold to find the ones that work. I found an...

Do teeth-whitening gel sprain your teeth?

I'm looking for a quick way to label my teeth more white. They aren't totally yellow, but they're not as white as I'd like them to be. From what I've read, it seem like the best way to shift about doing this is tooth whitening gel. Does this damage your teeth contained by the long...

Do the after-effects of have your teachings teeth yank out hurt more than getting a inoculation?

omg i get to get all mine takn out and im sooo panicky to do that becuzz im a baby but i never got teeth pulled out sooo idk what its resembling but im scared to death to et my teeth pulled out but...

Do the british own fluoride within here river?

Signs point to No. Approximately 10% of Britain has artificially fluoridated water, beside the West Midlands being the most fluoridated area. Other parts own water which contains naturally occurring fluoride. Source(s): I'm a second year dental student.

Do the chinese use as much fluoride within their own toothpaste as within what they go to america?

I was just brushing my teeth and the put somebody through the mill popped into my head. Is the toothpaste the chinese sell to their own relatives as harmful as the toothpaste they sell to america? Or is it better or worse? Chinese...

Do the clear bracket braces run longer than conventional braces to fix your teeth?

do they take longer to fix your teeth and are they more expensive I enjoy the clear ones called radiance. My ortho said it didn't make a difference, they would pocket the same amount of time as the metal ones. These braces are great! they take...

Do the inside of TANGERINE peel whiten teeth close to the inside of ginger peel do?

I heard that rubbing the inside of an orange coat on your teeth whitens them a little bit and I am yet to try this. However, adjectives I have at home right now are tangerines! Do they work as economically? thats really interesting. i never...

Do the molding for dentures create your mouth quality numb,and the fancy buds are not this usual?

please help me with this problem,my mouth is not inkling right,help yes its normal drink something strong taste or eat some liquorice for the taste.

Do the spacers orthodontistst put on your teeth hurt? What can you drink and what cont you drink?

Hi. I get my spacers in smaller quantity than a week followed by my braces. I am a real scary cat for anything. I detestation the pain specially in my mouth, I bite myself like mad due to my overbite. I wanted to...

Do the white porcelain braces show the metal flex going across? or is that also white approaching the brackets?

it depends on the orthodontist. some ceramic/precelain/clear braces have metal wires (they same as metal braces) and others have white coated wires or clear wires. hope this help! :]

Do the whitening strips for your teeth work well brought-up?

Mine are coffee stained and i want them to be purty for school in September. I used Crest Whitestrips years ago, and yes they worked remarkably well. Since then they've enhanced them so I bet they work even better now. They made my teeth sensitive though, so just be prepared for...

Do you chew gum, and for how long do you chew it for?

I can chew mine for a few hours, but my boss chews it for 5 minutes and then swallows it. Always! I just find it funny. What almost you? I would probably influence about an hour. Yeah i don't understand those society who chew for a...
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Do teeth-whitening gel sprain your teeth? Vairano Patenora