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Do YOU floss your teeth?

Do YOU floss your teeth?

Do YOU floss your teeth?

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Do you chew over the Orthodontist will allow me to enjoy braces?

Hi I'm 15 years old boy and I'm wondering can i still get braces even though i haven't grown my two top molars vanished and right on my top jaw? Sure he will. Some people don't get some of their teeth. Braces don't hurt too bleak after the...

Do you chew over the orthodontist will tender me braces?

I'm 15 years old and im getting my braces in 1 month, but im not sure if i can seize it some how because i haven't grown my 12 year old molar on my top jaw on both side departed and right, I'm wondering where would the orthodontist put the ring...

Do you cogitate i inevitability braces? (pics)? Not my teeth but they look ALOT like my teeth. I think the biggest concern is the teeth are a little ashen. There's a small gap but I don't think it's too unpromising. The decision about getting braces is usually a financial and personal commitment. Having the...

Do you come up with i requirement braces...? plz give a hand.?

i have a few pictures because im trying to talk to my mom more or less it but she wont make a dentist appointment. i need to know. its bugging me and i dont construe my teeth are straight especially my left canine. its pushed back. ...

Do you come up with i should be worrying alot?

hey,im a 21 male,lately 3 of my teeth on my ride side of my mouth have feel loose bt i don't think they physically are.two of them teeth have slightly moved inwards.i brush my teeth twice a year if nt 3 times sum days.i have always kept them worthy bt im...

Do you come up with othodontist will do this, if i ask them??

okay i have a brace fitted and tomorow im goin to see othodontist they MIGHT be changing the chain to my second wire but my problem is i have to huge front teeth and at the moment theyve get a gap in the middle of them...

Do you expect i call for braces?

mkay so i have had a opening inbetween my front teeth for a 6 years and im about to turn 12 and i hate my crevice, my dentist said he dosent know if im gonna need braces yet but iv in recent times about lost all my little one teeth and i already have...

Do you feel I might inevitability braces?

I have two or three crooked teeth on the side of my mouth, and every once in awhile, they hurt profusely. Could this mean I need braces? I would read aloud so yeah They'll help alot and you'll be happy next to your smile in the end Source(s): Had braces for a year...

Do you floss within the morning?

What would be the point since you haven't had anything to eat since you brushed formerly you went to bed? Yes, i do. And just because you brushed your teeth at dark, doesn't mean all of the germs/plaque are gone. Overnight that tend to build up. Plus I read that the...

Do YOU floss your teeth?

if so, how often, everyday? yeaaa but come on that dummbbb!! Why is that defining to you!? Source(s): Weirdo!! nope... i solitary floss before i go to the dentist. however, I do brush my teeth on a daily basis. I think that i have gingavitis though. I might even enjoy tartar. ...

Do you focus a entity who have a slight receding chin, but a strong cheek dash will kind the chin look better?

I seen some receding chins with a undersized or no jaw line, some of them looks a lil wierd But some of them, if they own a strong jaw line, it truly kind of looks good or better,...

Do you gargle, what do you use? you swish Listerine, cant really gargle beside it.?

gargling with the throat. if you use listerine, you might swallow it. i use dampen. can i use anything else. Of course you can use Listerine to gargle. I do, but I add a little bit of sea because the listerine itself is strong. If mouthwash...

Do you grain close to you own to spit when you brush your teeth?

or use mouthwash? I am constantly spitting because I feel like within is too much in my mouth even after I wash it out and spit the mouthwash out, I am still spitting. Is within anyway to stop it? Yeah I spit while I brush and then...

Do you guess bonding and lumineers offer indistinguishable result ?

Hi, I want to improve my smile and do some reshaping for my front teeth. I know that lumineers are expensive and bonding is much cheaper. Do you think bonding give the same result like lumineers or i should draw from wait till i get money for lumineers ? do...

Do you guys really brush after respectively feast?

with or without braces? i newly got mine on and i dont doo that. wow im lazy..but yeah i dont approaching doing that after every meal. once a day is honourable for me. never only just in the morning and night If you don't brush regularly with braces, you may get holes...

Do You Happen To Know What The Yearly Salary For a Orthodontist surrounded by Canada is?

I'm planning to become a orthodontist, but I want to know the salary range contained by Canada? Anyone happen to know? In canada, At least over 300,000 if you own your own practice. In canada the dental open market is much higher than in the...

Do you have an idea that saliva have a flavor?

I think saliva must have a flavor, we are a moment ago so used to it that we do not notice it. what do you think? Of course it have a flavor. That's why french kissing is so popular. yeah it does we dont smell it cus its in...

Do you have an idea that that at hand is hope for me?

Yeah I'm may be wearing braces for about a year now but my gums bleed glibly. Every morning I spit blood and I'm just wondering if something like my teeth will decline off since my gums are sensitive. ha, your teeth will not lately fall out for...

Do you HAVE to capture teeth removed to obtain braces ?

hey, um i got a tooth removed a couple of days ago, and i found it REALLY painful, i cried at the dentist, which WAS shameful, anyway the dentist said i will need to get braces soon, and i asked a couple of my friends that own or have had...

Do you HAVE to gain spacers if your getting braces?

i have to get braces soon and im kinda anxious because all of my firends say that i own to get spacers 1st and it hurts like crazy Not everybody needs them, I haven't gotten them however and there's been no talk almost me having to get them. And close...

Do you HAVE to seize your wisom teeth removed?

I only have one, but the thought of pulling a tooth out by its impacted root make me queasy. It only causes slight discomfort hugely infrequent I am 28. I have no insurance and not a lot of bread. impacted ability they shove against the next set of...
New York City Restorative Dentistry- Getting that Excellent White Teeth Back Dental Implants From Las Top Cosmetic Dentist How to Find a Qualified and Experienced Dentist in South Delhi? Essentials about Children's Dentistry Surf Online to Find the Best Dentist in Delhi Wellington Dentist - Provides World Class Facility How to brush your teeth properly Cosmetic Harmony spreads Smile as Cosmetic Dentistry sees boom Visit a dentist for complete oral care Dentists in Roseville Dental Or Relaxation Therapy? Recognizing The Common Instigators Of Teeth Grinding How to Find the Best Dentist in Toronto
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Do YOU floss your teeth? Tehran