Cindy's Favorite Quick and Easy Cheese Bread

Share: Author: Linda Wilson
Author: Linda Wilson
My daughter, Cindy, is a busy mother of two girls. She volunteers at both of the girls schools, a high school and an elementary. She chauffeurs the girls to volleyball practice and games, dance classes, piano lessons and is always there to help family and friends when needed. Her husband's job has him traveling around the world at times yet they often entertain family, friends, and the girls various groups. Everyone loves an invitation to her house in part because of the food she cooks and serves. This is one of her recipes she shared with me and gave me permission to publish. So if you think you are too busy, let me assure you that you do have time to prepare foods for family and friends. Just go with the easy, tasty, items that have others thinking you have spent a lot of time preparing for them when only you know the truth! CINDY'S FAVORITE CHEESE BREAD
1 cup butter or margarine
12-oz grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp seasoned salt
1 loaf French Bread, sliced in half lengthwise Have all ingredients at room temperature. Mix together the butter or margarine, cheeses, Worcestershire sauce, and seasonings. Place bread in broiler with the cut sides down. Brown until lightly browned. Remove from the broiler, turn, and spread the cheese mixture on the cut sides. Return to the broiler and broil until brown. WATCH CAREFULLY AS THE CHEESE WILL BURN. You only want the cheese mixture to become bubbly. Remove from the broiler and cut into slices to serve. Variation: Replace the cheddar cheese with Mozzarella cheese. Enjoy!About the Author:
For more quick and easy recipes visit my blog at
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