Glamour, Duality & Grace

Share: Author: Shirlee Hall
Author: Shirlee Hall
For the majority of people, life is an ongoing struggle. If we already understand and accept the reality that we have an inner essence, which some call spirit, the struggle can be very distracting and slow moving if we forget the reason why we are on earth and what we need to do to keep balanced and move forward.A lack of clarity and forgetting who we really are and the infinite possibilities open to us are caused by a veil of protection which we wear when entering physical form. The veil of ignorance is gradually removed through personal effort and maturity. Glamour was created through the influence of swindlers. The swindlers are people who selfishly desire and deliberately attempt to corrupt the innate goodness of man. Corruption has come easily for the most part during the last ten thousand years because influential people behind the scenes and sometimes openly have focused on hynotizing humanity.It is common for humans to be distracted by everyday concerns. Distractions do not allow for any deep thinking or questioning. It is when we lose our source of income, illness strikes and the many other forms of loss occur that we must stay focused and remember the inner essence and why we are here. The tendency is to give in to the negative energy and subsequently lose a much needed sense of peace. To heal the harm caused, a tremendous amount of love is required by us to correct the damage brought about through denial, resistance, laziness, lack of understanding and other forms of abuse.Why does life have to be so hard? It is a constant challenge whether we are already enlightened or struggling to reach a higher level of consciousness. Living in dense matter is very different from the lightness and freedom experienced in the dream world or the invisible realms of Light. Physical life is frequently a shabby imitation of what we once knew as our original pure selves. When we choose to descend and experience density, scientifically we are further away from the security and unconditional love of the Center...God. The earth, individual and collective consciousness rhythmically passes through stages of awareness from the very dull to the brightest splendor. We are coming to the end of a dark phase that has been mainly accepted by the soul until recently. Earlier, there were always souls quietly hidden away who understood the cycles of consciousness and how the earth responds in kind. These souls know about the decrease in Heavenly Light and in future cycles, the Light returning.During this particular space time, many are beginning to experience an influx of Celestial Light. Souls are awakening to their plight, the rape of the earth, the robotic thinking and an increasing urge within to return to the original pureness and wholeness that is our true nature.A terrorist to me is any intelligence who attempts to corrupt goodness, beauty and truth. We can and have been a terrorist to our own bodies and others through unbalanced choices. Additional Light as unconditional love and true knowledge is available during an upswing in consciousness. Radiant Light is slowly occuring in the hearts of humankind as well as exposing that which must be removed in order for peace and happiness to reign.The hidden is showing its face. Duality exists not only in matter but within the invisible astral-emotional states of mind as well as the lower mental field of consciousness. To be strong in the midst of duality, stop resisting truth and willingly change; denial will not make it go away. Stay with deep thinking, meditating, service and loving. It is possible to be free in density if we persistently try, dare and BE.We earn the right to break the illusion. Start by cleaning up your own pollution in the body, mind and soul. Recognize, listen, honor and love the inner spirit. Allow it to come out as the brightness of the Sun. This is the time we have been waiting for and we are the souls who can do great things. Be willing to accept whatever the future holds as it is presented, without tampering with the desire of the inner voice. Act in love. Learn to accept the state of grace. It is similar to reaching the top of a Sacred Mountain. Learn to surrender to the grace of the universe and be at one with all planes of consciousness. Trust. We can manifest healing and self-transformation. Let us do it right!
About the Author:
I write from personal experience and knowledge received in meditation, the Blog on my website, and material from my latest book: 'Be-Embracing the Mystery'.
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