Keep Your Home Off the Burglar's Wish list Before Going on a Vacation

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Author: Maria
Stressed from work? We know what you're thinking. A freezing choco-sundae topped with imported almonds and three little oh-so-yummy cherries that you just can't get enough of, served to you by a woman in a Hawaiian dress with brightly colored leighs and a flower on her ear. YES! Oh yes! A Vacation! Anywhere as long as its far far away from the tons of papers needed to be signed; or your nagging boss; or your nosy co-employees; and of course, your home.----wait your home?! Will you be sure to leave it unattended even for just a couple of days? What about the burglars? You know you can't go to a vacation dead worried about the priceless jewelries you left at home. That is why it's just necessary for you take a look at this precaution list and see if your home is off that burglar's wish list. 1. Don't tell everyone you're leaving. They don't always have to know, right? Announcing your departure on your social networking accounts is a BIG no-no. Remember that these announcements you will make will appear on everybody's page. EVERYBODY. Even to those you barely know. This may give the burglars the green light. You also don't want to say it out loud in a park, sidewalk or even a restaurant. Passersby also have ears, and youll never know who takes advantage and who doesn't. So, you better be careful on who to tell about the vacation you are planning. You might want to consider only closest friends, neighbor and/or relatives to learn about your escapade. Tell them where you are going and leave a number where they can call you. That way, they will know how to reach you in cases of emergency. You can tell the rest of the world that you WENT on a vacation. Don't tell them you are GOING to a vacation. 2. Call your news paper distributor and the postal carrier weeks before your departure. Tell them to hold your subscription and your mails for a certain period of time. Well, if you haven't done this yet and your flight is tomorrow, ask your neighbor if he can do you the favor of getting your paper and mail for safe keeping. A bunch of stuff on your front door won't do your home's disguise any good. 3. Lights in your home are good indicators of someone in residence. However, you may want to purchase and install a timer; you don't want your electric bill to be as expensive as your vacation. Also, having the lights turned on even when it's daylight is a bit suspicious. Set your timer on the proper hours when you need the light on and set it off for hours when you don't need it. 4. Alarms are also readily available in the market. You may want to install it at your doors and windows. If burglars can't get through the door, they will surely try the windows. The best thing about these alarms is that when a door or a window lock is breached, the police will already be notified. I guarantee, the burglars will be sent out running and not even a stone in their hands. Lastly, you'll have to get that spare key under your doormat and think about leaving it to your next door neighbor. In this way, he might be able to water the plants, feed your cat or bring in your mail. Just don't forget to bring him a souvenir he deserves for a job well done.And that's it! Your home will be ready to be called a sweet one when you return.About the Author:
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