Bird Dander Room Air Purifier - 5 Reasons Your Bird Shouldn't Live Without One

Share: Using an air purifier for bird dander in the room where you keep your bird is an excellent way to keep both birds and humans healthy
. If you won't do if for yourself, here are 5 reasons you should do it for your bird.
Small Air Passages--One of the reasons they have small air passages is because their bodies are small. But their airways are also designed differently and as such are far more efficient at supplying oxygen to their little bodies than humans.
Small air passages are a prime target for dust and/or mites if your bird's air is unfiltered. Clogged air passages can lead to grave health problems for your bird very quickly. Filtering the air of particulates such as their own dander, and powder (from powder down birds such as African Greys, Cockatoos, and Cockatiels) will very quickly determine whether your bird is able to breathe or not.
Efficient Delivery of Oxygen--Though small, the tubes that transport the air from outside to the air sacs at the back of the bird's body do so with great speed. So once the bird's breast bone forces air in through the air passages, the air sacs then push that air into the blood stream pushing carbon dioxide out.

Share: Using a cleaner that can constantly insure that your bird is breathing clean air gives you feathered friend a huge advantage towards good health and a long life. If the air contains harmful airborne gases, chemicals, or smoke, this same marvelous system that makes oxygenation so swift and efficient is then used against them.
The harmful gases are delivered just as swiftly and often cause death immediately. Constant filtration by an air purifier with a filter that can absorb these invisible pollutants will improve your bird's chances of a long and healthy life.
Clogged Air Passages Lead to Infection--The tubes (respiratory tract) that carry the air to your bird's air sacs should remain clear all the time. Air that is clogged with pollutants puts your bird at a higher risk for respiratory infection and disease. Aspergillosis is one such fungal infection that can start in air passages and if not caught in time can spread to other parts of the body and cause death.
Infection and Diseases are Hard to Detect--Birds are programmed to disguise weakness caused by illness. This is to prevent them from becoming prey to stronger birds. In captivity, this makes it extremely difficult to detect problems early. Many times once you see symptoms your friend is gravely ill.
Taking proactive steps daily, such as air filtration, cleaning the cage, clearing away feces promptly, providing fresh water and food and removing them before they become moldy and can be ingested by your bird are just a few of the offensive measures you can take that will keep your bird healthy
Bird Dander Affects People--How it affects you differs from one person to another. If you have allergies, asthma, respiratory problems or a compromised immune system you stand a greater chance of having adverse reactions to the bird dander, feathers, and dust that come with owning a bird.
If you are healthy, and you maintain a space that is clean and well filtrated, and you have one or 2 birds in reasonably sized space, you will probably be just fine.
However, there are some diseases that are able to be transferred from birds to humans by attaching to, among other particles, bird dander. The most well known of these diseases is called Psittacosis, or Chlamydiosis, and is sometimes more commonly referred to as Parrots Fever.
The name Parrots Fever probably stuck because parrots are generally more susceptible to the disease than other birds. One of the ways that this disease travels is by attaching to minute particulates such as dander, feathers, bird dust or dried feces and being inhaled or ingested by other birds and humans.
Many believe that the chances are slim for developing Chlamydiosis from your bird. But it is of little consolation if you are one of the few. Filtering your air does nothing but increase the chances of good health for you and your bird.
And besides, a caretaker who is healthy and feels good around their bird is able to provide the best care possible, which is the care that every pet bird deserves.
by: Debbie Davis
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Bird Dander Room Air Purifier - 5 Reasons Your Bird Shouldn't Live Without One