Ask anyone to name a famous artist and you'll receive a wide variety of answers. Leonardo, Picasso, Van Gogh and Rembrandt are all well known as are their most famous works. Ask for the name a of a sculptor however and the result is different. We see statues and monuments wherever we go, but who can name the artist? The subject is almost always more famous.There are exceptions. Michelangelo is one, Rodin is another. His statues are amongst the...more
Should you purchase long term care insurance?Most people start thinking about the possibility of needing nursing care as they hit middle age. Many have family or friends who needed home health care, assisted living, or a nursing home. At this time, when a loved one needs extra help, people learn about the high cost of long term care, and they wonder how it gets paid for.Consider this. Full time nursing homes can cost $50,000 a year or more. Home...more
The word "champion" has been defined as a fighter or a warrior. Another definition is someone that fights for a person or a cause. As you relentlessly pursue your ultimate dream in life, you must take a champion stance and fight for your dream. I'm not talking about a physical confrontation. However, you must be just as ferocious in your fight for your dreams. Realize that the enemy has placed adversity in your life to stop you and you simply can't let it happen because you are a champion!When you commit to living the champion life, you talk, walk, believe, dream, build, stretch, motivate, and fly like a champion. Are you living like a champion now? Do you associate with other champions? Whether or not other people see you as a champion isn't important. What's crucially important is that you see yourself as the champion you were born to be!We're all born champions, each and every one of us. Sometimes, we just forget that simple fact so tell yourself each and every day:I am a champion! I am dreaming like a champion! I am walking like a champion! I am challenging myself like a champion!Champions make decisions, they really do.. Champions know their own Why. Champions dream huge....more
Happiness is a choice. This is what I challenged you to see in the companion article to this one, "Make Your Life Happy - How to Prosper and Choose Your Life Pursuit of Happiness." As John Lubbock asserts, "Happiness is a thing to be practiced, like a violin." And if you've ever played violin (Believe me, I did in middle and high school) you...more
Life insurance Life insurance is another kind of insurance wherein it is life itself gets protected from the uncertainties and unexpected incidents in one's life. It is like preparing for any untoward incidents. This is ideal for anybody who is working for a living earning income to support their family. It would give him a huge sense...more
Life and death are proof enough for resurrection in the hereafter Life and death are proof enough for resurrection in the hereafterReflecting about our life and death we are apt to believe in the strong plausibility of resurrection in the hereafter. Speed up your atoms formation, according to the master design plan, and there you are, again.A human being is the amalgamation of sperm and ovule. This fusion sets off a rapid cell multiplication that results in the from of the fetus. The fetus develops naturally to be born as a baby. The Baby, in turn grows up to be a man, or woman, adult and mature and then the process of aging leads ultimately to the inevitable death.This life-cycle is the lot of nearly every human being, for there those who die as babies. It is a forced phenomenon that unfolds naturally and without the intervention of anyone, human or otherwise. The form, shape, structure and color of every human being is predetermined before according to a precise plan and program that is unavoidable and inalterable.If you are to come into being the first cell at the unison of the sperm and the ovule your human being characteristics that distinguishes you from an ape or a...more
The Fact About Term Life Insurance Coverage With Out Exam You might be shocked - a few of you pleasantly shocked - to find out that not all tem life insurance corporations require potential policyholder's to endure a medical exam. That's...more
It is important for all businesses to make sales through leads for generating profit. In the absence of a profitable life insurance lead, the business is sure to fall. In the absence of a potential life insurance lead, the life insurance policy will...more
Term life insurance is already the cheapest and most inexpensive sort of life insurance available. Nevertheless, there are methods in making the premiums still cheaper if that's your goal. You will discover ways to seek out low-cost term life...more
You might have heard of horror stories about health insurance cover at one point or another. There are different cases, like health insurance companies failing to pay for hospitalization, health insurance companies trying to worm their way out of...more
Whole Life Insurance Pro And Cons - How You Can Find One ProsWhen inspecting whole life insurance pros & cons one of many largest pros is the cash value, this is among the single biggest advantages of whole life insurance. Many monetary...more
You may be constantly reminded about life insurance Georgia and Life insurance in Atlanta through advertisements on the television, radio or in magazines and newspapers. Life insurance Georgia is selling like crazy these days. You are told to insure...more