Daily Positive Thoughts and Inspirational Words of Life

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Daily Positive Thoughts. They are important in helping us maintain emotional balance in our everyday lives.
I think that deep down everyone wants to truly be happiness but often find it hard to find their inner zen. Maybe you feel guilty for feeling so happy when you know there are other people out there who are so miserable. The whole point in life is to be happy.
We didn't ask to be brought into this world (That was not our choice) and when we die (unless self inflicted-which happy people don't do), we have no choice over that either. The space between birth and death is our life. We do control that part of it. Daily positive thoughts help us to make better choices in that period.
Are you more likely to help someone when you are feeling happy, positive and optimistic or when you are feeling miserable and negative? When you are happy, you make the people around you happy. You are more likely to help them and encourage them. They are going to want to be around you more. Truthfully, who wants to be around a person who is always miserable
You know the old cliche, you catch more flies with honey.
Visit my Daily Positive Thoughts Blog to help you find your inner zen.
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Find the essential ingredients for finding balance and serenity
and a famous quote by Aristotle "When, we, as individuals, obey laws that direct us to behave for the welfare of our community as a whole, we are indirectly helping to promote the pursuit of happiness by our fellow human beings"
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