Get a free merchant account online when you locate interested lenders who want to work with your company. Although many potential lenders charge $100 or more for an online merchant account application, others will forego this fee and some other related expenses in order to attract your business. You can get approved quickly and set up within a few days afterward to start accepting online credit payments. But first you have to make a suitable...more
If you are operating a start-up business, have you given some thought to opening a home business merchant account? Although you may be satisfied with sales to date and perhaps are not planning to build a huge commercial empire, a merchant account can provide a number of benefits that may help to grow your business by attracting new clients and increasing sales volume. You need not own a large business to apply for a merchant account. You simply...more
When it comes to public speaking, speakers must technically speak well, but they must also have substance. They must look and sound like leadersespecially if they're CEOs and executives. Your first focus must be content. Technical skill alone is not enough. It's not only what you say, but how you make it clear and compelling. Message is the foundation. Without that you're just a speaker, not a leader. Secret #1: Talk about big ideasEvery speech, presentation or communication needs one big idea. A big idea is all most people can remember. A big idea has a life of its own. And it doesn't require a big speech. It's big because of its power, not its length. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is 271 words, and it's one of the best speeches ever given. Secret #2: Speak in the momentNo one likes a canned speech. Canned speeches turn people off. You must talk to people about what is happening in the moment. "If you think about the usual setting," said one CEO, "you have an audience sitting there saying 'Who is this person and why is he talking?' That's not a great setting to start with. It appears somewhat adversarial," he observed. Your message must be about them...more
One unexpected expense and all the budget comes crumbling down. It is not the same again. With having a personal battle every month to stay on budget people resort to credit cards to pay for excesses. In case you are one of them, you realize there comes a time when it is not ideally suited to serve your purpose. Instant loans are meant to...more
You have heard lots of advice before, undoubtedly read many strategies for home-based success so what IS the real cutting edge in becoming a top producer from home?If you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to make your fortune from home, read on. This one's for you.Secret #1Begin with the end in mind. There's little doubt that all the great successes of the ages...more
When I first started my business, a colleague suggested to me that I bill my clients based on the results I created for them. It was an appealing idea at the time - after all, who wouldn't take me up on that offer, and so long as I performed, I'd get paid. Sounds too good to be true? It probably is. Here's an article that discusses charging models and why being paid on results, popular as this is becoming, may not be your best option.I'm currently reading Alan Weiss's book - "Million Dollar Consulting", in which he has a section dedicated to payment models. (Highly recommended book, by the way, although I don't agree with everything he says).This is my interpretation of what he says: The ways to get paid are on a spectrum from 100% up front, paid before beginning work at the extreme left hand side to contingency fees based on performance at the extreme right hand side i.e. you only get paid on results and over a timeframe beyond the end of the project. In between are situations like 50% deposit, then scheduled payments all due before completion of the project, and 100% payable on completion etc.He points out that your cashflow situation deteriorates as you move from left to right....more
VIX and the Psychology of MarketsWe know that greed and fear rule the markets. But did you know that when investors gets too greedy, markets usually fall, and when investors are overcome with fear, markets usually rise. So how can when we monitor...more
If you are a loan officer or mortgage broker, and you are on the market for mortgage leads, you may want to consider buying them in "real time."Real time leads or fresh leads are for loan officers looking for quality in a lead, as opposed to buying...more
Bring LIFE into the strategic planning processFace it - you didn't go into business for yourself to give up all semblance of the life of your dreams! You had a great idea and/ or wanted to be your own boss. But you quickly found that you were...more
Any good job hunter needs a resume package. The cover letter and resume always go together and do the same basic thing in slightly different ways. A job hunter without both of them will probably not get very far in the search for a good career...more
Here's a tip for cover letters to get more interviews. Use a bulleted format cover letter rather than a standard letter in paragraphs. The bulleted format is more eye catching, and is more likely to be glanced at by the hiring manager or other...more
A thank you letter after you accept a job offer shows good taste, gratitude, and in general shows a new employer that they made a wise decision in hiring you. Most new hires do not write one, so if you are one of the smart few people who do, your...more