If you have not yet established a credit record for yourself or you are in the process of rebuilding your credit, getting a credit card can greatly help you. The fact is, credit cards are one of the best ways to build a credit history and increase your credit worthiness. If you wondering why you need to build your credit, consider the following reasons: 1. Having a credit history makes it far easier to obtain utilities like gas, electricity and...more
By documenting your business you communicate to your peopleexactly how your business operates and what work needs to becompleted by Employees filling the Positions in yourbusiness.It is vitally important to have your business documented ifyou are looking to sell your business or looking to secureexternal funding. Well written and maintained BusinessSystems and Documentation adds great value to your businessand will contribute to you getting more...more
Managing a project can be daunting. Whether planning your wedding, developing a new website or building your dream house by the sea, you need to employ project management techniques to help you succeed. I'll summarise the top 7 best practices at the heart of good project management which can help you to achieve project success.Define the scope and objectivesFirstly, understand the project objectives. Suppose your boss asks you to organise a blood donor campaign, is the objective to get as much blood donated as possible? Or, is it to raise the local company profile? Deciding the real objectives will help you plan the project.Scope defines the boundary of the project. Is the organisation of transport to take staff to the blood bank within scope? Or, should staff make their own way there? Deciding what's in or out of scope will determine the amount of work which needs performing.Understand who the stakeholders are, what they expect to be delivered and enlist their support. Once you've defined the scope and objectives, get the stakeholders to review and agree to them.Define the deliverablesYou must define what will be delivered by the project. If your project is an advertising...more
Okay, did you wish on the fairy godmother to take away debts? You are doubtful if it will work- especially when you are unemployed. You are certainly not happy with the current circumstances. You want to work, have the ability to pay your own bills. Everyone wants that freedom and control. Debt consolidation for unemployed can enable the borrower...more
Whether you've been downsized, are looking for a career change or are just starting out, your resume speaks volumes about you. If your resume doesn't make it past the first cut, you're doomed; no matter how qualified you are. Below are ten common mistakes to avoid when putting your resume together. Remember, you only get one chance to make a good...more
Approximately 1 billion units of computer equipment will become potential scrap by 2010 according to the International Association of Electronics Recyclers. Is now the time for your company to decide how to deal with outdated computer equipment that is currently stockpiled in empty offices and closets? Outsourcing this responsibility to an expert can simplify the process and ensure safe disposal of the equipment. However, an ill-conceived asset retirement program may expose your company to potential data security risk and environmental liability. With careful planning and the right partner, you can save time and resources, while mitigating privacy risks and environmental liabilities specific to your industry. LifeSpan Technology Recycling has extensive nationwide experience in managing the asset retirement programs for small, medium, and enterprise businesses. When selecting an asset retirement partner, it is important to work through the following five steps: 1) Evaluate Your Existing Asset Retirement Process and GoalsDecide what issues are the most critical to your company, including what has and has not worked in the past. Which objectives are most important to your...more
The value of a proper headline when dealing with a project (or anything else for that matter) cannot be stressed enough... Yep! I'm talking of the headline of your email correspondence here... It only makes the day for a project manager so much more...more
Why should you care about my viewpoints?Good question - you don't know me - but obviously - You're confused and maybe even a bit fed up by your new assignment and it's lack of clarity...Typical problem!My specialty:Getting what I call "sorry ass -...more
In the past, filing bankruptcy was like having a Scarlet Letter on your chest. Bankruptcy made people outcasts and pariahs. It was as if a contagious disease struck, and no one wanted to be near you for fear of infection.Today, bankruptcy doesn't...more
Much has been written about changing organizational culture. It's an exciting topic because of the enormous potential benefits derived from changing an organization's culture. While exciting because of its enormous potential, attempting to change...more
Your current financial situation is a direct reflection of your inner relationship with Money making and management. Author of Financial Alchemy, Morgana Rae says "If you don't like your finances, something needs to change in your relationship". This...more
Christian business opportunities can literally transform your life. You'll be able to balance your personal and professional responsibilities, increase your sense of financial security, and integrate your Christian beliefs into your workday.With a...more