Before you get a mortgage for the first time, or refinance your existing mortgage, lenders run a credit check. Lenders use a scoring system to decide whether or not you are a good candidate for a loan, and even what rate you will qualify for. Credit scores are based on a number of factors. How much do you know about the current credit scoring system? Here is a 10 question quiz to help you find out:1. True or False: Information on your credit...more
Your house is one of the biggest purchases you have probably ever made. You make payments faithfully each month, take care of the interior and exterior, and fix it up to meet your current needs. Whether you are younger or older, your house is a part of who you are. Right now, you probably hear lots of people talking about refinancing their homes, and you wonder what you would stand to gain by refinancing. Here are the top 3 reasons why people...more
A quiet amusement of mine is to watch the expression of people who arrivelate for mytime management seminars. (Now you're going to be worried every time you goto oneof my programs!) The look resembles a child who just got caught with a handin thecookie jar. Tail between the legs, these people shuffle in sheepishlymumblingsomething about traffic, while their friends jibe, "How can you be late fora timemanagement class"?The number one complaint I receive from managers who bring me in to coachtheirfolks on performance is something around "the inability to meet deadlines,is alwayslate, is constantly running behind, or he/she forgot." There are actuallythree types ofpeople I see:1. "Late" people are typically perpetually late, for everything.2. "On time" people typically arrive a minute or two ahead or behind thegoal.3. "Early" people are rare and are generally early to everything.Victor Borge's famous comment in concert sums it up nicely. He was wellinto hisperformance when a woman came in late, fighting her way through the rows toher seatnear the front. Borge stopped playing and as she proceededtrampling overpeople,embarrassing, rustling, and disturbing her way to her seathe said...more
For the last few years anyone in the tech industry could tell you who the 'evil empire' was and why it was known as such. However, after a hugely successful blog adoption campaign, utilizing over 1500 bloggers within the company, Microsoft has almost completely overcome the unwanted moniker.Into this world that has lost an evil empire rides Sony,...more
Currently with over 150 new home developments sites underway it should not be surprising that making the bestdecision about what areas to choose from can seem a littleoverwhelming. In order to make it easier to find new homes,Jacksonville should be broken down into different quadrants.Mainly four different areas with different styles to choosefrom....more
For contract cleaning companies office cleaning is the most competitive market to break into. Some organisations change their cleaners on a regular basis, every year or some even every six months because they cannot find a company that will consistently meet their requirements. What we find is that these companies do not have a clear indication of what is expected from the clean. After some time they complain that standards have fallen.This phrase 'standards have fallen' is oft repeated by a company representative who is complaining about the cleaning. So you ask what aspect of the cleaning has or is not being done. The reply is often along the lines of, well its all being done but the standard is not what we have come to expect. So you then ask if they can give specific examples so that these can be rectified. Answer; 'not really its just that standards have fallen'. This is the most frustrating part if you are the cleaning services company. So you go in to visit the premises, talk to the company and to the cleaners. Quite often you can find nothing is actually wrong with the cleaning and that everything according to the contract is being fulfilled. This may very well be the...more
Running a seminar or a small business management course can potentially be a labor intensive undertaking. You want to ensure the ROI. A major part of that effort will be in researching developing your materials for presentation. How do you do...more
What's the first image that comes to mind when you hearthe term -- motivated seller?You probably think of someone who is desperate to sell hisproperty, as quickly as possible, for well below the marketprice - right?Well, sometimes that's true but...more
Can you feel the chill in the air? And there it begins to snow! Vast open spaces, roof tops, trees . - all covered with layers of white pure snow. Sure sign that Christmas is not far. Everything changes during Christmas time. Psychologically it...more
Why should you take out a second mortgage or a home equity line of credit instead of refinancing?Well, You Shouldn't!!Why Not?1. Second Mortgages usually have an interest rant that is twice or even three times as high as your first mortgage...more
In addition to the many questions that you should pose to a potential Franchisor, and the many questions they should pose to you, there are several other considerations for you to determine your compatibility with a particular Franchise system. If...more
Do you take a person's credentials for granted? Most people do! For instance they don't think twice when they hear about Marxism. They take the concept seriously because they know that it was authored by Dr. Karl Marx. What they don't know is...more