Author: Dennis Siluk Ed.D.The reality is that one woman out of nine will develop breast cancer some time in her life. Breast Cancer Metastasis To Liver PrognosisSo even if you manage to be one of the eight who doesn't get it, chances are you will know someone, perhaps someone quite close to you, who will develop breast cancer. Breast cancer doesn't care if you're in your teens or a mature woman. All women need to know the symptoms so they can get...more
Author: Dennis Siluk Ed.D.A malignant tumor is a set of cancer cells that might assault nearby tissues or extend (metastasize) to distant parts of the body. Breast Cancer Metastasis To Spine You might think that merely women could get breast cancer, but since all people have breast tissue, men could get breast cancer too - although this is extremely uncommon. Recognizing if the cancers cells have extend to lymph nodes is significant since if it...more
For a woman, being diagnosed with breast cancer is one of the most traumatic experiences in life. Once the disease is detected the uphill climb of physical exhaustion due to medical treatment and the emotional trauma of going through the side effects of treatment begins.The earlier breast cancer is detected the better the chances are for complete cure. Therefore, there is constant emphasis on getting routine mammograms and other screening for breast cancer for all women, especially those above the age of 40 and those who have a history of breast cancer in the family.Breast and ovarian cancer are thought to have strong genetic links. There are also several tests to detect the genes that are linked to both types of cancer. But now these tests have been reported to miss many cases, some of which even on women who have a family history of breast cancer and have developed the disease earlier.If new research is any indication, Breast Cancergene testing is not as reliable as it was initially thought to be. The genes that are linked to breast cancer are the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes Breast Cancer 1 and Breast Cancer 2 genes. The tests for these abnormal genes proved to be negative in some...more
Author: Dennis Siluk Ed.D.Meanwhile, women that have already developed breast cancer can use certain natural remedies to minimize the effects of traditional medical treatments for breast cancer as well. Breast Cancer Metastasis Symptoms A number of herbal remedies and natural remedies can help to alleviate the dangerous side effects one might...more
If you're currently a breast cancer patient or survivor as I am, you may be interested in a new study. If you're scheduled for or you've had any kind of breast radiation treatment or breast cancer surgery including radiation therapy, axillary lymph node dissection (lymph node removal), and/or breast conserving surgery, you may be interested in...more
Author: Dennis Siluk Ed.D.The rest of the day is spent cleaning the house and doing the laundry with an hour to spare at the local gym. Breast Cancer Metastasis To Lung After taking a shower, Jenny felt some pain the breast. This could be just menopause symptom so there was no need to worry. The pain got worse the next few days and sensing this was something else, finally decided to visit the doctor. The doctor was a family friend. The initial diagnosis was done by touching the breast followed by a scan using a mammogram. There were a lot of cancer cells present so another test had to be done. The doctor had to be sure so a sample was extracted and sent to a pathologist for analysis. After testing, it was only then that a woman’s greatest fear has become a reality. Jenny was diagnosed with breast cancer and this was already on the 3rd stage. The third stage means the cancer has grown to more than 5 cm. in size and has spread to other parts of the body. This leaves removing the breast useless since the disease can no longer be contained. Can there still be hope for Jenny who is already in the advanced stage of breast cancer? The truth is, the chances of recovery are very...more
Author: Dennis Siluk Ed.D.It is widespread for MRI breast scan outcomes to come out abnormal although no cancer existing. Breast Cancer Metastasis To Liver Some screening analyses of breast MRI in women at high hereditary risk are continuing. Cancer...more
Author: Dennis Siluk Ed.D.In most people affected by cancer, these genetic changes happen after birth later in life. Breast Cancer Metastasis SitesIn Hereditary Cancer, the cancer is caused by a genetic mutation that the person was born with. Some...more
Author: Dennis Siluk Ed.D.Difficulty Breast Cancer Metastasis To Bone A method to determine if a person has breast cancer is to check for lumps. It can be difficult to verify if a lump is due to breast cancer, because a woman breast tends to feel...more
Author: Dennis Siluk Ed.D.The prognosis is typically better than for the more usual kinds of invasive breast cancer. Avon Breast Cancer Marathon Approximately 2 in 100 breast cancers (2%) are mucinous breast cancers. This cancer has a tendency to be...more
Breast surgery is always a hot topic. There always seems to be a group of women around that want to have it or that argue the opposite side that it is ridiculous and they should be loved for who they are. The breast surgery impact on the psyche can...more
Author: Terri RichardsI don't have cancer. But my Mom and my best friend do. Two of my grandparents did too. Many times I have thought about the great strength they have shown in fighting this elusive opponent. How do you fight it? You can't see it...more