Author: Lindsy B. EmeryPromoters of colon cleansers claim that a person has about several pounds of meat in their colon which is undigested and rotting. Stage 4 Colon Cancer Survivors Therefore, mucus is used to line this layer to facilitate movement of food. This mucus layer enables toxins to increase under the warmth of the undigested food and therefore increase the risk of a person contracting cancer. It is argued that a colon cleanser is the...more
Author: Lindsy B. EmeryThis is because the dietary habits, junk food, hereditary, modern lifestyles with no care for the body and many more factors. Stage 4 Colon Cancer Survival Stories However, the exact cause for cancer of colon has been still mystery but undoubtedly, the cases have increased since couple of years. Cancer, detected in the last stage could be incurable but if the treatment has been started on the initial stage, it can be surely...more
Author: Lindsy B. EmeryIt can be easily cured when it is in its early stages, but the problem is that is rarely shows any signs and symptoms when the tumor is isolated, so it's hard to detect it before it spreads. Stage 4 Colon Cancer Life ExpectancyWhen it reaches metastasis, or stage IV, the chances of survival drop under 10% because in this phase it has already spread to at least one more organ. It usually spreads to the liver first, and then to the lungs. It is hard to eliminate the cancer cells when it is in stage four. The medical approach is chemotherapy, because it can treat cancer that has spread, but it has severe side effects and it doesn't always succeed. Few people know that diet has an important role in cancer, in all types of cancer and in colon cancer too. But remember that diet can prevent it or help the treatment, it can not cure colon cancer alone. Diet is important for those who don't have colon cancer, because if it is used properly it can prevent it by decreasing the risk factors, or if it's neglected it can seriously increase the risk factors. One of the main food types that increases the risk factors has proven to be red meat. Doctors were suspecting this...more
Author: Lindsy B. EmeryWith regular screening, the illness can be avoided as there are signs in the form of small growths, referred to as polyps which appear in the colon. Stage 4 Colon Cancer Spread To Liver How can the disease be detected? Through the use of regular screening, cancer of the colon can be detected using diagnostic tests. To prevent...more
Author: Lindsy B. EmeryThe study has shown that long-term vitamins use could decrease the risk of colon cancer by 57 percent. Stage 4 Colon Cancer Survival Rate This study was made on an group made of over 500 women and men between the ages of 33 and 62 who were found having colon cancer. They were interrogated about the quantity of vitamins they...more
Author: Lindsy B. EmeryThis is painful as it affects the rectum and even the internal organs. Symptoms Of Colon Cancer What causes colon cancer? What are the symptoms behind it? How can it be prevented? Causes of colon cancer The real cause of colon cancer could not really be traced. Generally, it has been said that some individuals are prone to it while some are not affected. Heredity could also be a culprit. Despite the latter, it was found out that 80% of cases are not related to genetics. Other risks that may lead to colon cancer are: the presence of other cancer cells in the body; any history of breast cancer; and Crohn's disease. Symptoms of colon cancer As there is no root cause to colon cancer, symptoms are hard to detect as well. However, some indicators may be used in order to prevent the cancer cells from spreading to your colon. Most of these factors are related to colon cleansing. If you experience any or a combination of the following, you might as well use it as symptoms to colon cancer: abdominal pain or cramps; gas and bloating; change in bowel habits; constipation or diarrhea; fatigue; intestinal obstruction; stool discoloration (red or any dark color); shortness...more
Author: Lindsy B. EmeryStatistics indicate that colorectal cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer diagnosed in the United States each year. Symptoms Colon Cancer Polyps Although colorectal cancer predominantly affects the elderly, the...more
Author: Tom TessinIt is a terrible thing to deal with. Colon Cancer Polyps Symptoms However, if I ever needed to deal with cancer or even precancerous skin conditions again I would choose a holistic path. My journey would be something like below for...more
Author: Tom TessinColon cancer is one of the most spread cancer types in the U.S. while being the second and third factor of cancer death. Colon Cancer Polyps PicturesBut, thanks to new screening methods cancer can be diagnosed in its earliest stages...more
Author: Tom TessinIs colon cancer one of the causes of lower abdominal pain? Colon Cancer Statistics Uk Most colon cancer does not cause pain in the early stages. That is why it is so important for everyone over 50 years old to get screened. It is...more
Author: Tom TessinAt Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), you can often times find relief for the pain. Colon Cancer Statistics CanadaThose centers provide a wide variety of complementary and supportive therapies, including pain management...more
Author: Tom Tessinhave seen too many cases of chemo-failures to believe that. Colon Cancer Statistics In Us I must add, though, that I am not against chemotherapy per se. When I started CA Care, I insisted that patients go for chemotherapy if asked...more