Author: Harley MolinaI was diagnosed more than a decade ago with infiltrating intraductal breast cancer and I turned down all conventional treatment including chemotherapy, radiation and surgery and chose an alternative route. Breast Cancer Treatment By StageNo single or double mastectomy either. And I'm still in excellent health today. The trend is alarming as more and more women are removing healthy breasts because they are panicked, are in...more
Author: Harley MolinaHere are eight ways to help you prevent breast cancer. Breast Cancer Treatment Guidelines They are supported with many researches and studies. You should embark them all if possible. 1. You should be more active. A recent Norwegian study discovered that women who exercised on a regular basis cut their breast cancer risk by 72 percent. 2. You should eat more unrefined seed foods. They all contain phytoestrogens. If you eat...more
Full bouncing female breasts have been the source of admiration for many, many years. In order to fit into this attractiveness requirement, millions of women have tried to increase the size and sexiness of theirs with an array of methods.In 1890, paraffin injections appeared on the scene. This waxy substance was used for approximately thirty years, but so many problems developed because of it, including lumps and infections, that it was discontinued. Paraffin was no longer an augmentation source by the year 1920.In 1920, fat injections were tried. The fat was harvested from a woman's excess stores of adipose tissue. This wasn't found to be very successful, however, as the fat was absorbed quickly. Unbalanced results along with lumps were unfortunate side effects. Ironically, this same method is being used today. With the advancement of modern science, however, methods of fat harvesting and purifying have led to better results.During the 1950's, a method was tried which entailed the implanting of sponges which were made from a polyvinyl material. Another bad idea, as women developed infections, the sponges hardened, and the material was even shown to have a link to cancer.During the...more
Breast cancer is a cancer that starts in the breast, usually in the inner lining of the milk ducts or lobules. There are different types of breast cancer, with different stages (spread), aggressiveness, and genetic makeup. With best treatment, 10-year disease-free survival varies from 98% to 10%. Treatment includes surgery, drugs (hormone therapy...more
Author: Rowland BerrieMost people in America believe all women want larger, firmer breasts. That is a misconception. Some women feel their frame is unbalanced proportion-wise (making shopping a nightmare because nothing fits), and they want to reduce the size of their breasts. Some women don’t like the negative attention their large breasts...more
Author: Dane FrankcancerThere have been many studies looking at the links between cancer prevention and Acai berry. We will explore these arguments in more detail. The increase in interest and popularity of this juicy purple berry from Brazil has been phenomenal, and there are reasons for this.The acai berry has satisfied antioxidant properties inherent in its DNA make up, and it is these antioxidant claim that can help to eliminate any free radicals that may be occurring in the body, Acai Berry and Cancer and thus prevent the onset of certain cancerous growths.It has outstandingly been tested to a large gauge on cells which can cause leukemia, with normally an ninety+ success rate in its removal. These are of course just scientific studies, and out in the real world there are often varying degrees of success, but it is certainly at least the basis for some optimism. The berry has extremely high levels of antioxidants and it is this factor that leads us to the conclusion that the link between the prevention of cancer and the acai berry is a valid one.Cancer can strike commonality who have led exemplary lifestyles in terms of their health and fitness, as there can be a large...more
Author: Trevor JohnsonWith internet marketing being the biggest world-wide trend, PPC keyword research has become a much discussed topic.Software and IT businesses have launched search based keyword software programs that can be used world wide.Part...more
Author: Elizabeth L PerkinsLung cancer may be treated by a variety of therapies including surgery, but chemotherapy and radiation treatments are used extensively to treat the disease whether surgery takes place or not.ChemotherapyChemotherapy...more
Author: Elizabeth L PerkinsMany patients find that they have lung cancer either because they present symptoms such as persistent coughing and wheezing, sometimes coughing up blood or pain the chest and stomach. This usually prompts further...more
Author: Elizabeth L PerkinsLung cancer may be treated by a variety of therapies which are frequently used in combination to provide an optimal outcome for the patient. Surgical resection is the process by which the tumor is surgically removed, and...more
Physicians typically use two tests to screen men for prostate cancer. The first testis the digital examination during which the physician uses a gloved finger to conduct a physical examination of the prostate gland. Any findings that the gland is...more
Author: Elizabeth L PerkinsMost lung cancers are termed "carcinomas", which are tumors caused by uncontrolled reproduction of epithelial cells; these are the cells which form the linings and surfaces of most of the bodies organs and internal...more