Author: Laurel LevineWhat’s the optimum silymarin for liver damage? That’s something that you would need to discuss with your doctor. If he or she is not open to the treatment, you can always consult an alternative practitioner or a doctor of naturopathic medicine. A doctor of naturopathic medicine has completed med school and gone on to achieve a graduated degree in naturopathy. Naturopaths attempt to find a cause and treat that,...more
Author: raina haydenSagging or drooping of breasts is a natural process that happens to all women at some point in time except those with fairly small breasts. Women of different ages experience sagging and the question most of them ask is what they can do to prevent or correct sagging. Many women following childbirth, weight loss or through aging have found their breast sagging and developing loose skin. A popular and common procedure for...more
Author: raina haydenPtosis or breast sagging is how the position of the nipple relates to the lower breast crease. As the nipple drops lower and touches or crosses the lower breast crease, this becomes the point at which a breast implant alone will not produce a satisfactory result. Breast involution is a medical term for the shrinkage of tissue inside the breast mass. The tissue that is not needed anymore, such as milk sacs after pregnancy, shrink and leaves empty spaces that the stretched skin over the breasts cannot fill up easily. In studying the women, researchers took into account the subjects' medical history, bra size prior to pregnancy, body mass index (BMI), and smoking habits among others.You may be interested in the various forms of exercises to get the bustline you want. One place you can find out information on exercises for lifting sagging breasts is at your doctor’s office. Nowadays, another great resource is online. Unless you have breast implants, there is a huge possibility that your breast will sag eventually, especially if you have naturally full breasts. The skin surrounding your chest will lose its elasticity in due course.This is more of a problem to...more
Author: Harley MolinaA recent scientific paper confirms how important it is to use combinations of spices to combat diseases. Now we know that turmeric is Triple Negative Breast Cancer Treatment one of the most important anti-cancer spices and that, over the years it has attracted a lot of research. For a long time I have been going on about how...more
Author: Harley MolinaFamily and friends, relieved that it's over are usually more than ready to get back to whatever normal was before your diagnosis. But like all heroines who are forced to fight battles in unknown lands, you have returned from your journey changed. While the physical geography of your outside world hasn't changed, your interior...more
Author: Harley MolinaHER2 over-expression is usually associated with a worse prognosis but it also is predictive of response to certain systemic therapies. Breast Cancer Treatment Timeline All invasive carcinomas of the breast need to be tested for HER2 over-expression. There are two main ways of testing: immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Both tests are acceptable and there is no consensus in the medical community as to which test is better. The criteria for the above tests were recently changed and new guidelines were proposed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists in 2007. These guidelines are discussed below. HER2 by Immunohistochemistry (IHC) IHC looks at the amount of the HER2 protein present on your cancer cells. If your cancer is tested by IHC, you will receive of a score of 0, 1+, 2+, or 3+. 0 and 1+ are considered negative (not over-expressed) and 3+ is considered positive (over-expressed). The criteria for a 3+ result have become more strict and now 30% of your carcinoma cells should show strong staining. A result of 2+ means the test was equivocal and FISH should be performed on your cancer....more
Author: Harley MolinaThis recommendation obviously conflicts with those of the American Cancer Society (ACS) and other groups. Breast Cancer Treatment Algorithm But many people wonder if the ACS recommendations aren't some form of recruitment. After...more
Tips for Really Beautiful Breasts and Perfect BreastsAs todays world distinct curve of the female breasts and their sensitivity to touch and their role in suckling infants really give them an aesthetic and a functionality that are distinctly...more
Author: Harley MolinaFor example, an increased risk of recurrent breast cancer has, specifically, been linked to obesity and diabetes in women. Breast Cancer Treatment Centers Among other possible explanations, elevated levels of insulin are thought...more
Author: Harley MolinaThese collections of irrepressible growth of tissue are called tumors or malignant tumors. Breast Cancer Treatment StatisticsHowever, not all tumors are cancerous. Breast cancer has been diagnosed in large numbers in North...more
Author: Harley MolinaBreast cancer is formed when normal cells divide and multiple in uncontrollable fashion. Breast Cancer Treatment Options This causes the development of extra cells which further lump together and create a tumor. Some physical...more
Mesothelioma is a particularly nasty form of lung cancer that is caused exclusively by exposure at some time or other to asbestos. It can take quite a long time form initial exposure to the asbestos prior to the disease symptoms starting to become...more