Author: Daniel XavierDurante a terapia adjuvante e no seguimento, deve-se priorizar a prevenção e minimização das complicações, sejam elas linfáticas, posturais, funcionais e/ou respiratórias. As recomendações para a prevenção, diagnósticas e tratamento do linfedema são apresentadas no documento de consenso abaixo relacionado. Para o controle dos sintomas álgicos, as pacientes devem realizar exercícios domiciliares, manobras...more
Author: Daniel XavierA Organização Mundial da Saúde estima que, por ano, ocorram mais de 1.050.000 casos novos de câncer de mama em todo o mundo, o que o torna o câncer mais comum entre as mulheres. No Brasil, não tem sido diferente. Informações processadas pelos Registros de Câncer de Base Populacional, disponíveis para 16 cidades brasileiras, mostram que na década de 90, este foi o câncer mais freqüente no país. As maiores taxas...more
Author: Danielle SummersThis article deals with a few facts you should know about breast cancer. It helps you understand that you are not alone in your endeavour against this disease. Armed with knowledge you can make informed decisions and asking your doctor is the next best thing you can do for yourself or for your loved one suffering from cancer. A few Facts about Breast Cancer • What is it? It is a cancer that develops in the cells of the breast. • It affects both the sexes. It is 100 times more frequent in women than in men, but the survival rates are the same for both. • In 2004, breast cancer caused 519,000 deaths worldwide, which is seven percent of cancer deaths and one percent of all causes of death. • One in eight women, or 12.6 percent of all women, will be diagnosed with breast cancer once in her lifetime. • Every 13 minutes, a woman dies of breast cancer. • The risk of getting breast cancer increases with age. • Every woman is at a risk of getting diagnosed with breast cancer. • Around 70 percent of the women diagnosed with breast cancer are over the age of 50. • More than 1.7 million women who were diagnosed with breast cancer are still...more
Massage the Breasts RegularlyMassaging is a really very effective way of taking care of them and it can be done from within the privacy of the home. Breasts must be massaged at least twice a week to show effects. Simple home massage of the breast can thus be done in four steps:- (i) Push downwards from the nipple, i.e. towards the abdomen. Use a...more
Have you been considering breast reduction surgery? A breast reduction also referred to as reduction mammoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure which decreases the size of the breasts by removing glandular tissue and fat.It is a major surgery and the decision to go through with the procedure ought to be weighed heavily. You should consult with a...more
Author: Tina L. JonesGrowth of malignant tissue in colon is termed as colon cancer. Colon cancer can really harm our digestive system and colon cancer is one of the more dreaded cancers. Stage 3 Colon Cancer Liver Causes of colon cancer Colon related diseases and incorrect eating habits are said to increase the risk of colon cancer. High fiber diet (i.e. vegetables and fruits) can help in reducing the risk of colon cancer. Colon cancer is also linked to genes and there are theories that suggest that people with family history of colon cancer are at greater risk of developing colon cancer. However, colon cancer is generally found in older people i.e. people who are above the age of 50. Frankly speaking, the exact and specific causes of colon cancer are still not known and there is a lot of research underway to find the same. Symptoms and diagnosis of colon cancer Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, blood spots in stool or any unusual bowel related activity/uneasiness can be a symptom of colon cancer. However, these are not conclusive symptoms of colon cancer since these could be just normal digestion related problems. In any case, you should get the advice of a qualified doctor...more
Author: Tina L. JonesThere could be some cancer lurking away in the hidden parts of most of our bodies. Stage 3 Colon Cancer ForumsSome of us could be facing a cancer diagnosis in the near future. It is very frightening but is there anything we can...more
Author: Tina L. JonesYou might have chemotherapy and you might get medication for years following you've ended treatment. Early Symptoms Of Breast Cancer Each person is dissimilar; therefore your medication will be adapted to your necessaries. The...more
Author: Tina L. JonesThat this is a recent trend is obvious from the fact that as long as the twenty years from 1970-1990, death rates demonstrated a small but considerable growth for white women of roughly 0.3 percent per year and a more...more
Author: Tina L. JonesResearch is being done to figure out how to beat this disease and save lives and avoid the high costs and pain associated with breast cancer. Signs And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer Here are seven ways you can help support this...more
Author: Tina L. JonesThe Useless Poisonous Cures. It says: “Increasingly sophisticated and expensive cellular poisons are being given to seriously ill patients … patients do not actually live a day longer.” Symptoms Of Breast Cancer FatigueAt...more
Author: Tina L. JonesIt is but natural for you to want to know about the breast cancer survival rate before you decide to go for a particular treatment. Symptoms Of Breast Cancer Metastasis To Bone Survival rates differ and it would depend on the...more