Points To Consider To Know If You Are A Good Candidate For Breast Reduction
Have you been considering breast reduction surgery
? A breast reduction also referred to as reduction mammoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure which decreases the size of the breasts by removing glandular tissue and fat.
It is a major surgery and the decision to go through with the procedure ought to be weighed heavily. You should consult with a plastic surgeon and they will be able to determine whether you are a candidate for breast reduction.
Who would benefit from breast reduction surgery?
* Women that suffer from psychological and social anxiety caused by abnormal and disproportionately large breasts. These women struggle with a negative body image and low self esteem.
* Those with medical problems due to their oversized breasts. Often these problems include back, neck and shoulder pain, a rash on the skin, spinal deformities and poor posture, indentations in the skin made from bra straps, difficulty sleeping because of breasts, numbness in any part of the breast, and difficulty breathing.
* Women who have difficulty performing daily tasks or participating in physical activities. Sometimes large breasts make sports and exercise painful.
* Women who have difficulty finding clothing and bras that fit their unusually large chest.
* Any woman that is aesthetically displeased with the size of her bust and her unbalanced figure.
Qualifying criterion for breast reduction surgery
* It is best if you are over age 18. This will ensure that your breasts are fully grown.
* Patients should be done having children and breastfeeding. Your breasts will change with future pregnancies and possibly compromise the results of the reduction. Also, after having a breast reduction, most patients have difficulty breast feeding.
* You must be in good health without any pre-existing medical conditions or serious diseases. If you have had irregular mammogram results, diabetes, bleeding disorders, heart problems, are extremely overweight, or any other serious medical condition you may not qualify for the procedure. This is a major surgery and it is important that you are able to heal properly and without complications.
* Patients must have clear and realistic expectations of breast reduction surgery. Chest reduction will reduce the size of your breasts, alleviate much of the accompanying pain, and balance out your figure, but it will not create perfect breasts or solve your life problems.
All women considering chest reduction must consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to determine whether they qualify for the procedure. The surgeon will decide if you are physically and mentally stable enough to handle the whole process.
by: Abigail Aaronson
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