Why Are Four Of Australia's Cities In The Top Ten Most Liveable Cities Index For 2010?

Share: Firstly, you have to understand that the question posed here isn't one out of surprise
or astonishment - Australia immigration has long been something that many people have aspired to. Instead, the question is looking more at the fact of what makes some of Australia's primary cities be so good and liveable that they dominate The Economist's World's Most Liveable Cities index.
Also, we're going to be looking at why the general public agree the four cities should be included, rather than the in-depth data that The Economist takes into consideration.
If we take a look at the top ten section of the list as a whole, the positions are made up of cities from five different countries - aside from the four from Australia, there are three from Canada, one from Austria, one from Finland and one from New Zealand.
Now if we group the cities together, there are three from Canada and the Americas, two from Europe and five from Oceania, which leads us into the first - and arguably most obvious - reason why there are four Australian cities in the top ten.

Share: In the UK, we generally have cold, wet winters, wet and breezy autumns and springs and mild summers, which together make up one of the least attractive points of moving to the UK.
Look at Australia, however and as long as you stay away from the centre of the country and the north coast, you'll generally be welcomed with some fantastic year round weather.
Viewing the climate data (provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology) for Melbourne (which was Australia's highest ranking city in third place), the average high temperature for the year is 19.8 degrees centigrade and the lowest is 10.2 degrees centigrade. Whilst they may not seem particularly high or low, what you have to take into consideration is that both of these figures are based on the average data across the whole year - including the summer highs and winter lows. Look at it like this and it shows just how favourable the Australian climate is.
So with the weather being a particularly favourable aspect, what else contributes to Australia's cities ranking so high?
Somewhat strangely, it's not actually something that the cities have themselves in the architectural or cultural sense, but who they have - great people.
Australians are known for being welcoming, social people and many Brits find it a little strange that it's completely normal for someone to call you mate - even if you've never met them before.
It's not unusual to have large, friends and family barbecues on a regular basis, inviting people to your house and asking them to bring friends. In fact, it's quite a common occurrence.
And then there's the whole attitude of living to work, rather than working to live. On the whole, Australians seem to love life and want to grab it with both hands. They have the ideology that most people in the world want - .to be able to get up in the morning, go to work happily and then know by the time late afternoon comes, they've still got at least eight hours left of being happy and socialising, all with only minimal stress.
Australia is a fantastic county no matter which city you live in and the high ranking of Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Adelaide displays this perfectly, as well as showing just why Australia immigration is - and likely to always be - so sought after.
by: Scott King
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Why Are Four Of Australia's Cities In The Top Ten Most Liveable Cities Index For 2010? Alagoa Nova