Canada; The Perfect Destination For Brits

Share: Whether you've enjoying life in the UK at the minute or you're finding it a struggle
, no one could argue that on the whole, things have generally been better.
The after effects of the global recession that rocked the UK economy up until this year are being felt by most and they're not expected to improve anytime soon.
Yes, there may be light at the end of the tunnel eventually, but with the Bank of England base rate recommended by Ernst and Young's Item Club to stay at 0.5 percent until 2014 (which although good for borrowers, it is not good for savers); unemployment hovering around the 8 percent figure; taxes rising across the board (most notably VAT, which is to rise to 20 percent from 4 January 2011) and most public sector services seeing a 25 percent reduction in their spending, it's going to be a good few years before the light is bright enough to even see.
If you want to stay and see it through, great - there are millions who will. If you don't fancy it, however, then you can join the thousands of people who leave the country each year and make the trip across the Atlantic to Canada.

Share: But why is Canada chosen over all of the other countries in the world? Sure, they may not all be as popular as the massive expanse of land above North America, but what makes Canada stand out from them all?
Unfortunately - or fortunately - there isn't just one set answer to this and it varies from person to person.
For instance, some people love the fact that the climate is similar to that of the UK's. Granted, it is generally colder in the winter in Canada than in the UK wherever you live in the country, the summers are a lot more similar, making the transition much easier.
Others enjoy the completely different lifestyle. From being able to be at one with nature, seeing elks and bears in their natural habitat to not having football dominate the TV, the whole culture of Canada is massively appealing.
There is no doubt that a large amount of people are attracted by the financial aspect. Apart from being one of the leading financial nations in the world, it's generally accepted that the cost of living is substantially lower in Canada that in the UK - even in the major cities.
What's more is that applying for a Canada visa is actually really simple. Apart from the fact that there are various visas available to suit almost every individual and their circumstances and reasons for wanting to move, there are many companies who can help you in the application.
If you do decide to hire one of these companies, it has to be remembered that they cannot guarantee that your visa application will be accepted. However, with their years of experience and seeing which application forms are accepted and which aren't, they will have built up a good portfolio of what does and doesn't work when completing the forms.
Canada is a fantastic part of the world and suitable for Brits for a whole host of reasons. From the similarly sociable and welcoming people to the beautiful countryside only minutes away from the major cities, being granted a Canada visa means you can live in a place that can easily be called a home away from home.
by: Scott King
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