When you are on a limited budget you know that your money is going to be tight each month
. However, you also know that if you own a car you need to make sure that you can find some form of low income car insurance. You need to try to find a special plan like that so you can continue to drive to work legally, because if you lose that job then you will really be hurting even more.
One tip to help you find this type of coverage would be to talk to your current agent to see if they have any plans that you might qualify for. You might have to explain to them your situation, but you might find that this could help you out because they could be running a special that you qualify for.
Something else that you might want to consider doing would be to see if you can increase any of your deductibles. By doing that you could see that you will be able to save some money. However, you will want to be extra cautious when you are driving then because it would be possible for you to have to pay even more money than what you have when an accident happens.
You might want to see if you can get your coverage limits lowered. If you are able to get those lowered down you might be able to save yourself some money, but you will not have as high of a coverage if something happens. So this could be rather risky method to do, but you might find that it could be one of the easiest ways to get the rate lowered.
Another thing that you could find is that you will be able to shop around to many different companies to get the lower rate that you want. By doing that you might be able to get the best rate possible for the amount of money that you have available to spend.
When you are tight on money you know that it could be difficult to get certain things. However, one thing that you need to look for is going to be low income car insurance. When you know how to find that you can get the best possible coverage for the amount of money that fits into your budget. Then you can still maintain your current job and be able to bring in some money to your home.