It Pays To Keep Your Proof Of Auto Insurance Form In Your Vehicle At All Times
It is important to display or keep proof of auto insurance form in your vehicle as
this form can be used to prove that your vehicle is in fact properly insured. Unless you can show that your vehicle is properly insured, you cannot legally drive it on the roads, especially as every state in the US has mandated that a vehicle that is not insured cannot be driven on any road in the US.
There is a good reason why insuring a vehicle before taking it on the roads is a statutory requirement. The fact of the matter is that uninsured vehicles, when involved in mishaps, will require repairs and even replacement, the cost of which can be very high. An insured vehicle is protected against the high costs of repairs/replacement and so this is the reason why states require that only insured vehicles be allowed on the roads.
A proof of auto insurance form can show the law enforcement agencies that your vehicle is insured. It does not matter that the vehicle is insured for bare minimal coverage or more completely. The important thing is that only with the help of coverage the car owner/driver can bear the costs of fixing up a damaged vehicle.
It is up to you to decide which type of coverage is useful for you though there are two main options open to you including complete coverage and liability coverage. Many drivers/car owners prefer liability coverage because this is the cheapest option available though a wise choice is to go for more complete coverage as you never know just how much expense you will have to bear if your vehicle is involved in a mishap.
If the costs involved are higher than the coverage protects you for, then you will rue the fact that you have not purchased higher coverage. This is why it pays to pay the extra premium cost to buy complete coverage as then you are protected against every kind of situation.
A proof of auto insurance form has all the necessary information pertaining to your policy as well as any other special notations. This form will also show your policy number that is often used by the law enforcement agencies to find out whether your policy is valid or not. These forms also provide information such as your name and age as well as address. In some cases, the forms also show the amount of premium that you have paid for your coverage.