Best Ways To Find Affordable Auto Insurance For Teens
Share: With little behind the wheel experience, your young driver may be hard to insure cheaply
. Finding affordable auto insurance for teens can be done however. It just takes a little bit of diligence on your part, and a willingness to cover all of the bases before signing up.
What many people do not know is that it often costs the same amount of money to insure two vehicles as it does one, if you opt for a multi-car policy. If insuring your teen has proved too expensive using your current insurer, you might want to phone in again and see what the rates are for insuring both vehicles under one policy. Even with the adjustments that will be made due to driver inexperience, you can often save quite a few dollars if you opt to take this route.
There are often certain car features that can save you a pretty penny, but often, you have to make sure that you get all of the proper discounts that you qualify for. If your teen is driving a car that is equipped with anti-lock brakes or airbags you should inform the insurer of this and ask about any applicable rewards or savings. Try to make an itemized list of the special safety features that the vehicle in question has, this way you can start looking for insurance companies that provide discounts for what you already have.
Anti-theft devices can also knock a bit off of your rate as well. If your car came equipped with these, or you have recently had them installed this may be an easy way to save some dough. Research the anti-theft devices that will help you qualify for lower insurance rates and determine if you have them, or if it is cost-effective to get them installed. If it is, you can be assured of a cheaper policy and enhanced safety as well.
Share: Every insurance company attracts new business by offering special prices to certain driver demographics. Finding the companies that have the best rates for new drivers may be a bit difficult, but is definitely not impossible. When you search the vast databases of online insurance quote comparison sites, you are made privy to the rates of numerous companies, and have a far better chance at finding the company that offers deals, rewards and incentives that are specific to your teen's driver profile.
If you have done all of these things and still haven't found the price that you are looking for, try getting a better rate for your insurance policy to help offset your insurance expenses until your teen qualifies for a better rate. For you, this may mean checking all of the above-mentioned bases. You can also see if you can get a better rate for yourself by consolidating policies such as pairing homeowner's or renter's insurance with auto insurance. Another great reduction method for adults is to invest in an approved behind the wheel re-training course, that in most states costs little, and will qualify you for instant policy savings.
by: Lance Thorington
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