South Africa and the soccer world cup by:Alan Hawkins

Share: South Africa, host country to the 2010 soccer world cup
. Football, soccer, accommodation, full hotels, crowded roads, no hotel beds, chaos, visitors, tourism, what does this all mean to South Africa. Well, in my humble opinion this is probably one of the most exciting sporting events in the world, it will bring tourism and opportunity to a country that is struggling to get across the advantage line in many areas of economic development, particular reference is made to extremely high levels on unemployment, some say 40% of the workforce, areas of abject poverty and an officially recognized economic recession.
Some locals might say they will just avoid the airports, accommodation establishments, roads around the stadiums and restaurants for a few weeks while the tournaments on, well that's fine, if soccer is not your scene then you will also be playing a role, leave the space in the Hotels and bed and breakfasts for our visitors. South Africa as a country is going to be hard pressed to supply sufficient beds, flights, cars, and everything else during the period so it's up to each if us to contribute in whatever way we can and maybe that's just it. Stay at home. On the other hand, if you have never watched a top class football match, this is an opportunity to get off the couch and to share in the excitement of crowds of thousands upon thousands of excited soccer supporters, an experience not to be missed. You're not an expert you say, that's really not important, soccer is essentially a simple game. Played by two teams, each consisting of a goal keeper and ten players. Their sole objective is to get the ball into the goal net of the opposition without touching it with their hands or obstructing another player unfairly. The team, who gets the ball across the line more times than the other, wins. Experts might berate this short description and start talking about strategic plans; choreographed moves and some higher level descriptions or explanations but that about sums it up.
If you're visiting South Africa, prepare yourself for an experience, the words, exciting, beautiful, spectacular come to mind. Please don't just come for the soccer, South African tourism offers visitors a really unique experience including Cape Town, voted as one if the top five tourism destinations in the world to the many, repeat many travel attractions that abound. Accommodation standards and tourist facilities can hold their own with the best in the world, obviously, as when travelling in any strange destination certain basic rules if security and safety apply.
Avoid isolated and dark areas at night, be aware of lurking strangers, they are potential petty thieves such as the pick-pockets who lurk at most crowded placed throughout the world. Keep all your valuables hidden where practical, cameras, wallets, jewellery are all tempting items to thieves. When travelling around it is always wise to obtain information first, perhaps from your travel assistant, the manager or owner of your hotel or informative web guises such as - travel information.

Share: Above all else, your trip to South Africa will be a wonderful experience, providing however, that you accept it is essential when planning any holiday, even more so during an event like the world cup, to research and make all your arrangements in advance. South Africa has a relatively small population of around 50 million people and will be hard pressed to support the required logistics of the number of visitors that are expected. Advance bookings of accommodation; vehicle hire and air travel are three essential pre-planning steps. Visit the above site or to assist on pre-planning your trip.

Share: The people of South Africa are both colourful and friendly, a smile and a greeting will get you everywhere, do not be dismayed if perhaps someone looks through you, it probably means that they either do not understand your language or your accent. English spoken almost throughout South Africa, but it is not the home language more than perhaps 20% of the population and will need to be spoken slowly and carefully, particularly if the language is not your home language either.
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About the author
Alan Hawkins is the CEO of StaySA. StaySA is a leading South African Accommodationportal. Visit StaySA next time you are looking for a kind of Accommodation in South African
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