Big City Travel Tips - Safety First by:Sam Serio

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Big City Travel Tips - Safety First
Big city travel has never been more alarming for individuals not used to city travel and unfamiliar with the city in question. It can be daunting travelling to a new destination, but apprehension is more likely to rise to the surface when you look at just how many crimes take place these days. Couple that with the alarming big city travel stories that have been publicised on the Internet and it is little wonder that individuals debate as to whether they really want to experience certain cities for themselves!
However, big city travel tips can easily help to put the minds of potential travellers at rest. There are several things that anyone can do to keep themselves safe in the big cities and thus can visit them, see the sights and enjoy some well-earned time away from the stresses and strains of modern life with little hassle. Simply follow the big city travel tips below and you cannot go far wrong!

Share: 1. Luggage - Only take what you need when you travel and make sure that you have a list of the belongings in your bag. This big city travel tip can save you time if your luggage does get stolen, but will also enable you to find what you need in an emergency. You should never leave your luggage unattended for even a second while travelling in a city. It will most likely either be stolen or tampered with if left unattended for a few seconds so ensure that it remains within your sight and possession at all times.
2. Money - Only take one or two credit cards with you on your big city travel trip and ensure that the PIN numbers, if you have them, are not in your possession. Also, when taking money with you, split it up. Divide the cash between pockets in your luggage and areas on your person. For example, keep some of it in your socks, some in a pocket, some in a money belt under your clothing and so on. That way, if anything does happen to you, you will at least have enough money to get back to your hotel. If you are going to a city abroad then take travellers checks with you because they are insured. If you lose them then you can cancel the originals and receive replacements usually within 24 hours.
3. Schedule - Vary your schedule from day to day when undertaking big city travel. This may not seem like a big deal to couples and families that are set in their ways, but individuals looking to make a quick buck one way or another undoubtedly target some tourists. If you vary your schedule then it will be almost impossible to predict where you are going to be at any given time and this can keep you safe.
4. Clothing - Never wear anything that projects wealth or affluence when undertaking big city travel. This includes jewelry, clothing and any accessories that may point to the fact that you would be a great target for a mugging or robbery. Most tourists wear normal and relatively cheap clothes that blend into the background, and anybody flaunting that guideline is putting him or herself at risk.

Share: 5. Family - If you and your family split up during big city travel time, make sure that you have a way to get in touch with each other, have arranged a set meeting place and time, and are completely clear on all of these points so that you will be alerted to the fact that anything is wrong straight away. Wherever possible in big city travel, individuals travelling together should stay together. However, the need does sometimes arise. If it does, make sure that you all have the address of the hotel and a map of the city with you at all times.
6. Scams - There are always individuals looking to scam people that are strangers to an area, and during the course of big city travels there are many of them about. Only ask trusted sources for directions and advice, never follow the guidance of strangers unless they are affiliated with official bodies and only buy merchandise from official stores. These guidelines may sound like common sense, but many people flaunt them and this can get them into difficulties!
About the author
Sam Serio is a marketing consultant, a special events promoter and an advocate for Chincoteague Island, Virginia tourism. Chincoteague Island is the premier family vacation destination on the Eastern Shore of Virginia and the home of the world-famous Chincoteague wild ponies. To learn more about this eco-tourism paradise, please visit
http://www.chincoteagueislandvacations and Discover Chincoteague Island through videos, blogs, informative articles and interviews with local personalities.
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