Budget Travel Insider Secrets by:Sam Serio

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Budget Travel Insider Secrets
Budget travel is the buzz phrase when it comes to planning a vacation today. There are so many ways to actually make a vacation fit your budget rather than the other way around, and yet some people still have no idea where to begin. It can be extremely difficult trying to pick up these tips if you have no frame of reference, but this quick guide to budget travel should help you to plan the trip of your dreams for as low a cost as possible!
The main point behind every budget travel is the experience and making sure that you have as much fun as possible. Some individuals who have a strict budget for travel set themselves targets to see how little they can spend while having as much fun as humanly possible. If you have a budget, this is the best possible way to deal with budget travel rather than bemoaning the fact that you have no money to spend!

Share: The first thing you take care of if you are trying to get budget travel is the way that you intend to travel. Often, the way you travel can take up approximately 70% of your total vacation costs, regardless of the way you choose to travel. It is often more in terms of cost than staying in a top hotel for two weeks because of the deals the latter have and the taxes imposed on the former. In terms of budget travel then you really have to look at your options. Travelling by car can save money if it is a shorter journey, but a cross-country journey would cost you just as much because of the price of gas. If you intend to travel in a RV (recreational vehicle) then you have to have a permit and pay inflated fees that can sometimes amount to more than a hotel. For budget travel, catching a train may be the way to go. Train travel is now a fraction of the price to attract more consumers, if you manage to get a deal.
An extended stay in one place can actually aid budget travel. If you decide to reside one area for more than a month, you can actually save a lot of money by renting an apartment rather than staying in a hotel. You can then use that budget travel apartment as a base and then take day trips to attractions further away, thus seeing the area and having a great place that feels like home to rest your head!
If you happen to be over the age that you become a senior then the majority of places and travel companies will offer substantial discounts so these can be invoked to obtain budget travel. Failing that, you can actually scour the Internet for coupons that will give you similar discounts regardless of age. Most individuals overlook this sort of budget travel tip because they are just content to haggle, but coupons can gain you the same discount or better without the need to open your mouth. If you cannot find any for hotels and other forms of accommodation, then you can usually find coupons for free admittance to popular attractions instead, thus saving you money anyway!
As you can see there are a number of ways to achieve massive discounts in order to get fantastic rates for budget travel, so what are you waiting for?!

Share: About the author
Sam Serio is a marketing consultant, a special events promoter and an advocate for tourism on Chincoteague Island, Virginia. Chincoteague Island is the premier family vacation destination on the Eastern Shore of Virginia and the home of the world-famous
Chincoteague wild ponies. To learn about this amazing eco-tourism paradise please visit
http://www.chincoteagueislandvacations.com and
http://www.chincoteagueoutlook.comDiscover Chincoteague Island through videos, informative articles, interviews with local personalities, blogs and more.
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