Ability to Ski Tips by:Teeny Ingberg

Share: It will help everyone that like to ski to measure and find out his or her ability to ski
, in every corner of the world where you travel to ski. First, try to downgrade yourself and you might never face those challenges that could make your skiing a more exciting and rewarding experience. To overrate yourself, on the other hand, as too many of us are inclined to do, will sooner or later get you into trouble, usually trying to keep up with some friends on a black diamond covered with moguls and cruddy snow with a storm whirling in.
Not actually knowing how you rate as a skier also you can prove a mistake when you are buying, or renting, skis and boots. For a low to intermediate level person to buy a hot looking ski for experts will not create an expert out of him. It will only make his skiing more difficult. An expert ski will not take a mistake, but the softer-flex ski for a low intermediate person does so.
There are several ways to evaluate your own ability on the slopes. One is to take lessons. A skilled instructor will need perhaps 30 seconds to evaluate your ability as you ski down the practice slopes. Another is to test yourself in an amateur National Standard Race (NASTAR); these are offered by most ski areas. You pit yourself only against a top expert, not other skiers. There are more tips on
http://www.fidetips.com for your to read.
Here is how NASTAR works. A ski race course, with all the paraphernalia, flags, poles, a starting platform, and an electronic timer, is set up on nothing more challenging than an intermediate run. An expert skier whose skill level has been rated at a national meeting of NASTAR pacesetters will run the course twice. His best time becomes the standard for that course on that particular day.

Share: When you race the course, your time, with a handicap based on your age and sex factored in is matched only against the expert, not those of other skiers. If the pacesetter time is, for example, 35.6 seconds, and yours is 45.6, but you have a 10-second handicap, you would equal the pacesetter time and win a gold medal. You could also win a silver, a bronze, or nothing but a smile and an awareness of how well you have learned to ski.
This is a recommendation. If you enter a NASTAR race, it is tremendously helpful to take the approximately one hour long NASTAR racing school that is usually offered on days when races are scheduled. If you take these advises, it will definitely help you improve your skiing.
About the author
Teeny is a writer for finance, computer, travel, cars, shopping and other subjects for many years, please visit
http://www.fidetips.com/travel for more information.
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