Online Speed Reading Techniques

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Online Speed Reading Techniques
Online speed reading technique can help you read very fast. It is a tool that can not only improve the reading speed, but also improve vocabulary. This technique involves simple exercises that can be adopted in everyday life to learn the process of speed reading. The technique is now available free of cost at this online portal. An industry expert with more than 15 years of experience has developed it. The method is tried and tested and can make a huge difference to your reading skills. You will be able to complete novels, and read through newspaper, important official reports, and much more very quickly. You may not have to put in too much effort while reading. In fact, it also helps in saving time.
Here Are Some Techniques Of Online Speed Reading.
Structure: This is the first step of the process. Any material in writing will have a structure and it is essential to understand this structure. Break it into pieces and you will be able to read faster. For instance, any printed literature will have an introduction, body, and conclusion. What you can do is- simply read the introduction and the conclusion and you will get an idea about the entire article.
Chunking: Chunking of words is another effective way of speed reading. This is a visual process wherein you club the words together instead of reading one word at a time. For instance, when you look at a group of people on the street, do you look at each individual person or do you look at the mass of people? The same technique can be applied to reading. Online speed reading is about chunking a group of words for reading it quickly.
Hand Motion: Place your finger on the text that you wish to read and see how quickly you are able to read the article. This technique is often taught to children when they first learn to read and write. However, this technique can also be applied to adults.
Skipping: Skipping unimportant words is also an interesting way of improving your reading speed. For instance, skip small words like "the", "a", "an", etc. and then slowly skip other bigger words too. This will improve your speed drastically.
Vocabulary: Online speed reading suggests that it helps if you have a good vocabulary. You will be able to read quickly without pausing in between.
Scanning: Before you begin reading the entire document, simply scan it and look for highlighted text, bulleted points, headline, and sub headlines, and so on. This will give you the gist of the printed literature.
Sub Vocalization And Inner Voice: When you learn speed reading, you have to give up on the habit of reading out loud. Whether you read out loud or pronounce each word without moving your lips, you have to give up this habit. It is important to stop using sub-vocalization and inner voice.
These techniques are tried and tested and can make a huge difference to your ability to read. When you read fast, it saves a lot of time. This online speed reading technique is worth a go.
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