Smart Way to Make Money Online

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Smart Way to Make Money Online
Note that the whole purpose of Ecommmerce is to create wealth. If you are selling it is easy to understand the creation of wealth. Yet, buying usually does not fall under the creating of wealth to many. Basically, buying must be first if one is to sell or one is to simply add to their own 'things'. I, myself, like to buy plastic scale models that are clearance out. I might build them or simply leave them in the box. It adds to my wealth as I feel satisfied in owning them or that I could sell them for a profit should I choose to do so.
Ecommerce is much more than activities on the Net. It can be in the forms of orders through email, fax, or dial-up connections. In todays modern world, many of the orders are in electronic format and transmitted through FTP or HTTP means across the Internet.
If you have bought a computer from Sony as I have, you might have initiated the order via phone and a salesperson. The sales person creates an electronic order that moves around the network at the company. At some point the order affects databases that track parts availability. Programs them alert shipping and receiving that orders will have to be placed with their vendors for more inventory.
Anyway the order is first placed, the order will result in activities that fall under the definition of Ecommerce.
Organizations such as IEEE create standards that the Internet and business actives follow as protocols for the transmission of electronic information. Companies often form cooperative companies that act as Ecommerce middle-men so that information is freely passed and standardized.
If you research more on Ecommerce, you will find many different definitions as well as a plethora of detailed information. I always suggest using the "For Dummies" series of books for a quality start when you are ready to learn more.
Ecommerce affects our lives directly and indirectly. Even simply using the electric in your home starts an Ecommerce activity. How? That electricity usage is measured and submitted to the vendor. That vendor, your local utility, then requests reports to be created that will allow them to forecast future trends and needs that will allow them to place orders for more electric to be created by the purchase of fossil fuels and the refinement of them.
Another interesting example is buying milk on your way home from work. If you buy that item, the cashier will scan it at the register, and the register will them communicate with the back office system that takes that unit sale from the available inventory. That back office system will have business logic that orders replacements for that item in inventory. That inventory item is then ordered from the correct venfor electronically.
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