Smart Ways to Make Money Online
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Smart Ways to Make Money Online
Ecommerce is the name given to buying and selling activities that occur over the Internet by people such as you and I. However, Ecommerce is so much more than that simple definition. Many companies buy from other companies over the Internet as well as buying and selling to and from other vendors and even their own outlets.
The amount of retail sales worldwide made on the internet is well above 15% of all sales now and is climbing quite fast. In fact my figure is so old that by now it could easily be heading towards 50%
What this means for businesses is that a lot of the "old methods" of selling they were used to are now failing and they are having to adapt to the "ecommerce models" around. Above all transparency and the ability to 'research' before you buy is enabling consumers to start calling the shots, indirectly, about what is sold to them.
Those who are afraid of the word or sneer at it are just going to have to face up to the notion that if they remain afraid they will eventually lose touch with how modern day business will work more and more. The bulk of businesses will be happy to eliminate overheads of retail outlets as and when they can switch over to 100% sales performed by remote access by humans to the company's VIRTUAL shop floor.
People who laugh at the word "ecommerce" don't understand, for example, that Google, the world's most powerful commercial brand right now, is riding the crest of the power of this thing such saps would rather not name. Google has been fortunate and purely because they enable people to search objectively for things they have ended up with a gigantic income made out of incidental advertising revenue.
Ecommerce is a word which means a lot more than, in the past, words like "futures" or even "the energy sector" ever meant. There are only two sides to be on now, if you are not with us, the ecommerce purveyors, you are nowhere.
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