Ko Teki Ryoda - A Powerful Lesson For The Aspiring Student Of Ninjutsu (ninpo)

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, warfare, the workings of Universal justice, and all of the other apparent contradictions that seem to exist with the realm of the Ninja? Because, if you are serious about studying and mastering the art of Ninjutsu - the art and life philosophy of Japan's ancient shadow warriors - then you must understand that your training and skill development will need to involve much more than mere step-by-step techniques, or a few "cool" weapons.
In the realm of the Ninja's martial art of Ninjutsu, or Ninpo as it is known in it's higher order, there are short phrases or "mottos" which act to sum up very deep, and very powerful lessons. And often, it is these lessons that are the most important of all if you are to become a true Ninja - a person who can "endure" anything that life throws at you. This article discusses one such theme or philosophical perspective that you can use to guide your training, your skill development, and your life!
As a part of the yearly training that goes on within at least the Bujinkan Dojo of Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi, the current Soke of the 9 primary schools which make up the core training, there is a yearly "theme." This theme is used as a way to focus the training and perspective of teachers and students alike, so that we can look at the lessons in a different way - rather than always seeing them the same way.
One of these philosophical themes was summed up with the phrase:

Share: Ko Teki Ryo-Da
In fact, Hatsumi sensei painted the kanji for this important lesson for me and it hangs in my office as a constant reminder of the powerful lessons that lie within, behind, and around these simple words.
The phrase itself simply translates to mean: "The Tiger Below - The Dragon Above."
But, without an understanding of what the phrase is pointing to as a life lesson for the serious student on the Path to Ninja mastery, it remains just a simple phrase.
So, what does the phrase Ko Teki Ryoda mean?
Good question. And, there are many answers that will work in defining it. But, to reach the deepest levels of understanding - which is the same as the deepest levels of understanding within this powerful life mastery system that is so often limited to a mere martial arts choice among martial arts choices -
...you will need to spend a good deal of time contemplating more than just a bunch of step-by-step kata with strange names that have been passed down by long-since-dead warriors. You will need to re-discover the wisdom that they knew and attempted to pass on for the benefit of the world.
To begin our exploration of this simple phrase, let's take a look at it on the simplest of levels. Let's look at it from the perspective of what was meant or being symbolized by the references to these two creatures.
In ancient Japan, the tiger was seen to be the strongest being on the physical realm of existence. And, even though tigers are not indigenous to Japan, the tiger was seen for its strength, size, and ferocity.
So, the tiger came to symbolize the realm of combat. And training within the "Tiger Realm," is characterized by the martial skills that everyone tends to think of when they think of the Ninja and the art of Ninjutsu.
Conversely, the dragon was viewed by the ancient Japanese, as the strongest, or most powerful, creature on the spiritual or etherial plane. And, even though the dragon is a mythical creature, it was seen as a symbol of inner strength, longevity, grace, and the higher realms of the human spirit.
Contrary to the way the West has viewed the dragon - as a destructive, winged creature that breathes fire and attacks man - the people of the East have a very different view. Where the dragons of the West are viewed with fear and a sense of "awe," the East sees the dragon as an auspicious creature capable of great good.
So, the dragon is seen as the symbolic representation of those skills, traits, and qualities which allow us to lead peaceful, harmonious lives - to go through our lives successfully, as intelligent, beneficial, and compassionate members of society.
So, on one level, the phrase could point to the ideal of the dragon realm over that of the tiger realm - that peace, harmony, and skills which produce success and results in this direction are to be held to be more important than those of the tiger.
But, the phrase can also point to the balance created - and the whole-ness of being - for the Ninja who has the skills to operate, and be successful in both realms. We must understand the "Ninja-Mind" as well as, if not better than the physical skills of warfare. Because it is the Ninja's mindset, wisdom, and perspective that is operating and leading the way, regardless of the realm that we are operating in.
The important thing is to understand that our training does not, and cannot, stop with mere martial arts skills for self defense. If we are to be true Ninja, with all of the meaning, power, and focus that that word implies - if we are to be able to produce results and be successful in any realm - not just in a fight...
...then we must have more to offer the world than just another person who can "beat someone up!"
by: Jeffrey Miller
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Ko Teki Ryoda - A Powerful Lesson For The Aspiring Student Of Ninjutsu (ninpo)