Learn Ninjutsu - Using The Ninja's "earth-mode" Tactics & Strategies For Real-world Self Defense!

Share: In the realm of Ninpo-taijutsu - the Ninja's unarmed self defense system - there
are strategic options which can be used to control certain types of combat situations. Many schools of Ninjutsu use a 5 element model that allows the student to classify techniques, strategies and tactics for ease and speed of learning.
This article describes the "earth" realm of confident strength. After learning the lesson contained within this article, you should have a better understanding of the ninja's self defense method - and another strategic perspective with which to win a street self defense encounter!
Please note that this is not a part of all Ninjutsu training curricula, nor is it the "official" way to approach authentic Japanese Ninja training.
It can't be!

Share: The art of Ninjutsu is way too deep and complex to say that any one way is the best or "only" way to approach it.
My own approach is to look at the art from the strategic perspective - from the view of "what are the problems to be faced by the Ninja defender, and what are the approaches that can be taken to resolve the situation, conflict, or problem?"
In this case, we're going to explore what is often called the "earth-mode" of defensive response. This "mode" is one of 5 strategic approaches taken from the Godai (pronounced "GO-Die"), 5 element system from the Ninja's ancient Ninpo-Mikkyo 'Universal esoteric mind-science.'
From this elemental "view of the world" and it's different aspects, the "Earth" element represents things in a firm, hard, or immovable state, or having those qualities. Things are "earth-like" because of there nature - not because we decided to label them that way.
The best example of the "earth-element" in nature are mountains. Strong, immovable, and commanding - not because they "want to be," but because they are that way - naturally.
In the human body, the earth element is represented by our bones, muscles, and connective tissues. Mentally, it is our confidence. And emotionally and spiritually it represents our self-value, firm resolve to accomplish goals, and sense of "rightness."
In a self defense encounter, the earth strategy is reflected in our ability to hold our ground and use our positioning and strength to stop our assailant's attacks. Instead of using muscle mass, the earth mode uses strength through superior and natural, physiological positioning to direct our strong points against his weak points.
This is pointed to in Sun Tsu's "Art of War," as a virtue of the Enlightened general and superior tactician.
But, rather than 'choose" to adopt the earth strategy, usually we realize that we are already feeling confident and unafraid of our attacker. so, instead of conforming to this or that "style" which says that we have to fight a certain way, we can simply pick and choose those techniques that fit the natural way that we are responding to our attacker ALREADY.
And, this is one of the major differences between Ninjutsu and other conventional, stylized, martial arts systems. Being natural and acting in accordance with the "natural scheme of things" is what sets a Ninja apart from just about every other martial artist, soldier, or warrior - period.
While there really is no such thing as an "Earth technique," there are techniques, tactics, and strategies that have an "earth-like" quality. So, they make perfect examples for which to teach this important concept of self defense.
Some of the skills and tactics which could be classified under the "earth" heading include:
1) Pressure point attacks
2) Blocks
3) Leveraging techniques like arm-bars
4) Chokes & pins
5) etc.
Again, these techniques fit into this category because of their common characteristics of crushing, or "stopping" - not for arbitrary reasons.
Other self defense strategies which fit this element include such things as:
1) the use of natural or other environmental aids as shields or barriers (i.e. trees, telephone poles, chairs, etc.)
2) Ground fighting, and...
3) the use of locks, binding, "arresting", and restraining techniques
Even the use of the earth itself, in the form of dirt or stones thrown at the attacker, fits into this strategy as a viable self defense tactic.
Again, using the Godai, 5-element classification system, is an expedient - a structure by which to help the student of Ninjutsu to learn the many techniques, tactics, and strategies this art has to offer, in the shortest, fastest, and easiest way possible.
by: Jeffrey Miller
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Learn Ninjutsu - Using The Ninja's "earth-mode" Tactics & Strategies For Real-world Self Defense! Vairano Patenora