Learn Ninjutsu - The Ninja's Kamae - "postures" Are Living Things, Not Static "stances"

Share: One of the common skills or aspects of most martial arts is that of stances
. But, if you want to learn ninjutsu, then you must understand that nothing is as it seems in this powerful system for both self-protection and personal empowerment. And, that includes what, to many, are the same "postures" or rigid stances that are a part of conventional karate, and nearly all other martial systems.
However, the art of Ninjutsu is based on both the laws of nature, as well as sound scientific principles. It is a "thinking persons" martial art, and definitely not for those who just want to know "where to put their foot" so they can do some flashy move.
Such ideas are not a part of the way a Ninja thinks and acts. So, if that's what you're looking for from a martial art - ninjutsu is NOT for you.
If you're looking for lessons, strategies, and skills that will allow you to get powerful results with the least amount of wear-and-tear on yourself, then you must begin by finding a teacher who can expose you to a way of thinking that is very different from what you've learned to this point in your life. You must find a teacher who can show you very deep level concepts that transcend even the idea of fighting!

Share: One of these lessons has to do with the fact that the ninja's kamae (pronounced: like the English words: "come-eye"), are not the same as the static stances we might think of. Kamae, rather than being rigid, immovable stances or poses from which to deliver our punches, kicks, blocks, etc., are actually "alive" and very dynamic things.
In fact, we don't really "do" kamae as much as we "become" kamae.
The Ninja's kamae are the ultimate embodiment of the holistic principles that unify and focus the body, mind, and spirit/attitude all toward a common goal. As such, kamae come from the inside - from our heart, mind, and intentions, and then from there the body goes into action as an outward reflection of this inner reality.
This a very natural thing and not at all like the conventional idea of a typical martial arts stance which is very foreign to the natural workings of the human body. Where each "style" of combat system tends to have it's own ideas about how the body should be positioned for safety and attack, the ninja's kamae are natural reflections of directed intention.
And, rather than fight "from" a particular stance, the Ninja easily moves into and out of the different kamae as he naturally responds to the attacker's advances - only remaining in each long enough to get the results needed at that instant in time.
by: Jeffrey Miller
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Learn Ninjutsu - The Ninja's Kamae - "postures" Are Living Things, Not Static "stances" Ljubljana