Is Weight Loss Advertizing Fair And Honest?

Share: Wherever you look, you are guaranteed sight of an ad for a weight loss product or service
. It can be a careful pitch from a local aerobics class or an over-the-top claim for a "natural" product that you can eat as much as you like and still lose weight. This evidences a sad truth. As millions of us grow steadily more overweight, there are thousands of companies and tens of thousands of products and services that target us. The intention is to exploit our fears and insecurities, and so extract the maximum amount of dollars from us. This business is worth billions every year and, truth be told, the first thing that gets lost in the marketing is the truth. Although the FDA has a specific department tasked with policing the advertizing of all weight-loss products, it has been consistently underfunded and is completely unable to stay on top of the flood of ads that compete for our attention. Similarly, the majority of states have "false claims" laws that allow action to be taken against any seller or service provider exaggerating the quality, effectiveness or value of their product or service. But states are often reluctant to interfere in the "free market" and leave it to individuals to claim they have been cheated by the companies.
As an example of the problems affecting all of us, let's look at the activities of Basic Research and ThinCare International. These two linked companies are based in Utah but sell online to all US states. Their sales pitch is simple. If you take two pills before your main meal, you will lose weight no matter how much you eat. Better still, this is effortless weight loss and guaranteed even though you never stir from the couch. Instead of the conventional wisdom, "No pain, no gain!" (or should that be loss?), there's no need to exercise. The pounds just drop off your body thanks to the chemical wizardry of these companies. What has made this ad campaign so successful has been the presence of Jillian Michaels as brand ambassador. Ms Michaels appears on the reality show, "The Biggest Loser", as a personal trainer to the contestants as they sweat and groan their way towards cash and other prizes for losing weight. In this role, her reputation depends on a clear and consistent message. If you want to lose weight, you have to be disciplined in exercising and eating healthy food. For her to endorse an "effortless" product therefore looks less than completely honest.
It is significant that the two companies and the FDA are already engaged in court battles. The companies allege the FDA is wrong in rejecting their "scientific" evidence of effectiveness. To that litigation, you can now add false claims actions in California and Utah. Of course, you can take the cynical line that everyone knows ads always exaggerate the truth. Anyone who buys a product based on the marketing deserves to lose his or her money. Except there comes a point when the law has to step in and say, "Enough!" It seems this point has been reached with these products. It will be for Ms Michaels to defend her reputation. All of which bring us to phentermine hcl which has quietly been selling for decades as the best of the real drugs designed to support weight loss. It makes no exaggerated claims. Its effectiveness is supported by real scientific evidence. When you buy phentermine online, you are buying a successful product. Honest!
by: Amanda Patterson
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