Why Companies Are Serious About Reputation Management Online

Share: There is always a lot more to your website identity and reputation management online other than just a web address
. Google will even tell you that it's not just what you post that establishes your website identity but what others say about you as well. And this isn't just talking about posts, photo tags or replies to public status updates also apply here as well is what they say on Consumer Reports sites. Depending on the type of business you run, your business might feel like it's in the position of being falsely accused for something he didn't do. This problem is growing rapidly and unfortunately, there is no easy solution or and in sight here. The solution is to preserve the best positive first impression for your company. In order to put this in better perspective, here are some things you should be aware of:
Most people don't go past the first page of the search engine result pages, and I'm speaking about 95% of Internet users. Most people don't just buy on a whim, they do research on products before they buy them as well as services and I'm talking about 80% of the population that does this research. And 72% of the people who do research on products before they buy them will not buy it if they find a negative comment posted. People also use social media to post negative comments like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook which is another reason reputation management online so important. People also use consumer review type sites such as Citysearch, Yellow Pages online, yelp as well as ripoff report and pissed consumer to post negative comments about your business.
People even use services like foursquare or gowalla which are geolocation broadcasting services as well as post pictures of your firm online to places like Flickr and slide share which is another reason you need reputation management online. They might take a bad video and posted on YouTube video and video sharing sites. The truth is, your average person doesn't care how much they damage you they only care about how they feel about your business. And if for whatever reason, they got a bad sensation or feeling about your business then some people will do whatever they can to get the word out that you are a bad business even if you aren't. Sometimes people do what they think is right even though it could be dead wrong in many people don't take a few minutes to try to get a situation ironed out with the business first before they display this kind of information.
Even if their claims are completely false, people surfing the Internet today which are your potential consumers will rely on the Internet for this information in many due to the nature and how it's presented to them will assume its true. The best thing you could do in a situation like this it is engage the negative commentary posted about you. This way your next potential Internet client that does a background check on you might not perceive this negative review is true if you've already addressed this complaint. Also what people write in e-mails and send through their Instant Messenger is normally private. However the wrong person gets a hold of this information, they can posted on the Internet somewhere and now it's public which is another reason why you need reputation management online.
There are many areas that reputation management online can be employed. Let me give you an example, there are hundreds of thousands of forms out there as well as blogs that allow people to comment on them across all types of different niches. Blogs have what they call authority sites which are really popular sites within a particular genre. This could be the Los Angeles times of the New York Times or the Enquirer or a website like find an attorney. If somebody is upset enough that your business, they can post all kinds of negative stuff to these blogs. Also more and more people are using their mobile phones to search for services these days on the Internet. People a smart phones can not only read but write reviews from anywhere, so it's easy to see how negative reviews of your business can spread around faster than before.
So the next question is how do you control your reputation management online? Before you answer this question, you need to find out what people are saying about your business first and whether saying it. There are a couple ways to do this. The first way is to set up a free Google alert for your business name and all variations of it in Google alert you once a day or even as it happens when anything is indexed with Google regarding your company or company name. The other way to do this, it's just to do a simple Google search for your business and to start plowing through the first 30 to 50 results. If you see anything show up, you can take the appropriate steps to defend yourself. So the question now is how you defend yourself against idiots who have nothing better to do but harm your good name?
One great reputation management online technique would be to find out who posted this garbage about your company and send them a cease-and-desist letter or an e-mail demanding that they pull their comment down or face legal consequences. Now you can only do this if they slandered your business. If they wrote a comment that wasn't slander and is either true or can be proved to slander then they have a Second Amendment right to post what they want. But relax, there's still a way to get their comments for all intense purposes wiped off the Internet. The way to do this is to simply push them down in the search results so no one can find them. If you're able to do this, then you gotten rid of their comments were no one will find them since less than 1% of the people searching for a particular company or search term go beyond the first page of the search results anyway. The key is to get them to position 11 or lower in the search engine results pages.
by: BrianGarvin
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