Easy Way to Lose Weight: Three Essential Elements
Easy Way to Lose Weight: Three Essential Elements
For most, thinking of starting a diet the priority is to find an easy way to lose weight; a method that will help them reach their goals with as little discomfort as possible so by increasing chances of success.
The problem encountered by most when commencing their weight-loss journey is being lured by advertisements and clever sales copy into purchasing the latest fad diet or gimmick-the vast majority of which fail to deliver on their sales pitch promises of the quick fix that we so desperately want to believe in. So what is the answer? Is there an easy way to lose weight or is this just an elusive fantasy?
The fact is that there is no miracle pill, it stands to reason that if there was everyone would be using it and obesity would no longer be the pending epidemic it threatens to become. That said, doesn't mean that losing weight has to be a laborious and torturous activity; the correct approach combined with a few simple rules can ensure that discomfort and cravings are kept to a minimum and the chances of reaching your target weight are increased exponentially.
The golden rule is to find a weight-loss plan or diet that is right for you personally-a plan that suits your lifestyle and tastes. It's no good basing your new regime on for example, shakes and soups if this means that you're left suffering hunger pangs that you are unable to tolerate. Similarly those with a busy lifestyle may find a diet requiring large amounts of preparation or the inconvenience of weighting each item far too time consuming. It's also worth bearing in mind that the majority of people who successfully reach their target weight end up re-gaining it. Often the reason for this is that they choose plans that they simply cannot, or have no incentive to stick to once they've reached their goal; a more effective longer term strategy is to use this time as an opportunity to change eating habits for the better.
The second essential element is to begin slowly, most people decide on their start date' and cut out all prohibited foods from day one. The problem with this approach is that it means going from one extreme to the other; from eating calorie dense foodstuffs' that caused us to be overweight in the first place to a restricted regime. A far more sensible approach is to cut out such foods gradually, over a two-three week period, whilst simultaneously reducing portion sizes. The advantage of this method is three-fold; firstly it encourages us to take the plunge and make a start-the thought of cutting out all the goodies' prevents many from taking that first initial step. Secondly it's easy to follow as it's merely a case of cutting down, finally it proves to ourselves that we can live without a diet consisting of large portions, laden with fat and sugar.
The third essential element required in order to make weight loss easier is good planning and organisation. By taking an hour to plan a menu and purchase food items' for the week
ahead will mean that you will always have diet compliant' items available so won't be tempted off track when you arrive home from work after a busy day only to find that you cupboards contain barred foods.
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