» Medical Insurance » How Will The Younger Generations Be Effected When It Comes To Finding Medical Coverage
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How Will The Younger Generations Be Effected When It Comes To Finding Medical Coverage

How Will The Younger Generations Be Effected When It Comes To Finding Medical Coverage

Health insurance is one important aspect of life and living without it can not only make your financial stability shaky, but put your life in danger

. Many youth who are aging in the adult population are forced to live without health insurance. Health insurance premiums are too expensive for those who leave school and get their careers off the ground.

The current labor market makes it difficult to achieve even having a degree from a good university will not be able to provide you much help. Which means many graduates settle for jobs that may or may not even be in their area. And with the rising cost of health care more for employers they are forced to drop health insurance as a benefit of work simply because they can no longer afford to help employees pay their premiums.

The little bit extra which employees might be making is little consolation when it comes to helping them pay for medical insurance. On average most employers will only raise an employee's salary by a few dollars an hour if they do not provide health insurance benefits and this still isn't anywhere close to the amount that they will wind up paying to insure themselves and their families through a private pay insurance policy.

The problem undoubtedly lies in the high cost of health insurance premiums that is directly proportional to the high cost of medical care itself, which is directly proportional to the high cost of malpractice insurance which is directly proportional to the number of professionals health, pharmaceutical companies, and government agencies that face lawsuits advanced by those who have been harmed or injured by the medical community. Now, maybe this seems like a lot of variables, but when you remove the middle you are left with the fact that the high cost of health insurance is caused by medical malpractice.

With all that information one must wonder if the medical profession is helping or hurting their cause. After all, if the problems of medical malpractice were not as prevalent then there would be fewer lawsuits and require less medical malpractice insurance and the cost of health care would be reduced. Many doctors see it as being caused by lawyers and the fact that people expected to be miracle workers, none of them are actually not that far off base either. No matter who is to blame for the cycle must be broken if we are going to see the health insurance premiums fall again.

by: Ethan Kalvin
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How Will The Younger Generations Be Effected When It Comes To Finding Medical Coverage Tel Aviv