Are you entitled to compensation for an asbestos-related illness?
Share: The risk of asbestos-related illnesses was first discovered in the mid 1970s
, but as the effects of exposure can rake decades to manifest, more and more cases are now coming to the fore. As such, there has been a significant rise in the number of people claiming for and winning deserved compensation.
People who worked as gas fitters, plumbers, electricians, painters and decorators, laggers, thermal insulation engineers and building workers are among those that most vulnerable of being exposed to asbestos.
The risk is potentially fatal, with many very serious diseases closely linked to asbestos exposure. Here are four potential illnesses:
ASBESTOSIS - This involves the lungs being scarred and is particularly common among those who had very heavy or regular exposure to asbestos. A severe shortness of breath is a common symptom of the disease.
MESOTHELIOMA - This disease is a form of cancer than takes effect between 15 and 30 years after initial exposure. It strikes by attacking the membrane that lines the chest.
PLEURAL THICKENING - A progressive thickening of the lining of the chest wall (parietal pleura) which causes difficulty in breathing and how the lungs function. It can be found in just one specific part of the lungs, in which form it is known as pleural plaque.
ASBESTOS LUNG CANCER - Significant exposure to asbestos has been linked with asbestos lung cancer, especially if the victim has been a regular smoker.
If you or anyone you know has recently been diagnosed with an
asbestos illness, then it could be time to see what compensation you are entitled to.
Are you entitled to compensation for an asbestos-related illness?
By: Rob Berry-Smith
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Are you entitled to compensation for an asbestos-related illness? Mountain View