How To Think Like An Entrepreneur, Even If You Have A Job
Share: Being an entrepreneur means being able to take risk
, and in return for those risks, having the possibility of more profit and bigger returns than an employee would have. But, if you're an employee, it's more crucial than ever to bring entrepreneurial thinking into your chosen career. Here are some ways entrepreneurs and employees can achieve bigger returns and stability by thinking like entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurial Thinking for Business Owners.
Get hold of your schedule. There is no greater business asset than your time. You can always make more money, but you can never create more time. It's more valuable than most business owners treat it. When we began getting a little militant about our schedules and who or what could take our time, our profits and effectiveness rose significantly.
If you don't manage your time, then your business is probably never going to be what it potentially could be. There's always going to be energy and time vampires out there who are trying to take up your time.
Share: Stop taking all phone calls, especially if they are unscheduled. It may sound a little radical but it's important to teach people how you like to communicate. It can feel scary to do, but once you let people know and you stick to your guns, they'll respect you for it and you'll stop wasting so much time. Stop being accessible to everyone all the time. OK, so we realize many of you need phones and clients calling for your business, but in a second, we'll get to what to do about that...
Get off the Internet. Especially first thing in the morning! You don't want to be on e-mail all day responding to all the emails that came into your inbox overnight. You've probably already caught yourself more than once trying to make up for all that wasted time, hours into a morning. Check your e-mail only once a day and delegate that out if you can. Many entrepreneurs wake up in the morning, check their e-mail, and they're on a wild goose chase. Their time is being dictated by all of these e-mails in their inbox, instead of being dictated by what they need to get done first.
Delegate phone and emails. We just talked about that with the e-mails. Get someone to answer your phone too! Delegate the things you don't need to be doing out to other people. A lot of small business owners think that they need to be doing everything. You don't need to be doing everything, in fact, if you're going to be successful, you can't be doing everything! You need to be doing the stuff that you're good at and giving the other stuff that you don't like to do, or those things that you're not good at (c'mon, we know you have some) to other people. There are ways of getting help that won't break the bank, especially if you're boot-strapping it in the beginning.
Entrepreneurial Thinking for Employees.
Share: That's really important to do, because now employers are really trying to get employees that are great, and there are a lot of great, qualified people out there looking for work. It's a competitive market place out there for job seekers. You've got to do a lot more than you used to do and you can't waste your employers time. You've got to begin to think about your career as if that's your company. So here's a few ways that you can think like an entrepreneur as an employee.
Think entrepreneurially about your career. No more just looking busy from nine to five and spending all your time on Facebook or shopping online. In this economy, employers really want to make sure that every employee is bringing real value and real results to the business. So start looking at the value that you are bringing to your company. Make sure your boss sees the new role you're taking on. This may ruffle a few feathers of your peers, but this is your career you're looking to advance, right?
Build your entrepreneurial skill set while you're on the job. Look at where you'd like to be in a few years, do you want a raise or a promotion? They don't just give those out anymore. Start preparing now. See what skills you should add to your resume on the job. Talk to your supervisor about taking on new projects or adding new responsibilities to your position. Sit down and ask how you can really learn about how these projects are managed and how you work with clients. You will shock your employer. Let them know you'd like to add some skill sets to advance your career, ask where you can assist with some more important areas of the company. You may be pleasantly surprised at their answer and how your career unfolds.
by: Maritza Parra
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