Struggling To Find The Right Job?
Share: No matter if you just graduated from high school or college
, if you are changing jobs or you are one more victim of the economy and unemployed, finding the right job can become a real struggle if you don"t plan it the right way.
When planning your job search you have to consider different things, first you have to ask yourself the right questions such as: where do I begin? what skills do I have? How do I compete with others? Is it too much work to change careers? Am I too old to change careers? These questions will depend on where you are standing today.
Here are some tips you should consider when starting to look for the right job:
1. Plan your job search according to the time you have: sometimes you just don"t have enough time to search for jobs either because you don"t have any income to maintain yourself for too long or just because you are doing other activities that take away your free time. Planning your job search according the time that you have available is very important. It is always a good idea to get involved in different programs in your community or take an internship or volunteer job to start connecting with other people which might help you find the right job in less time while developing your skills.
Share: 2. Understand what you are good at and take advantage of it: knowing exactly what your strengths are and what set of skills differentiate you from others is a great opportunity to find the job that fits with all that and of course an excellent tool when interviewing for jobs. Employers are always going to look at your skills and how they fit into the position you are applying for but most importantly, they will want to make sure that you are absolutely convinced of what you are good at and capable of.
3. Try to always find occupations that fits your personality: there is nothing better than working on something you really like so if you are the kind of person who enjoys interacting with others, maybe an IT job where you interact only with a computer is not the right one for you.
4. Pick and choose your targets: because you already know what you are good at and what kind of jobs fits your personality better, also you already understand how much time you have for your job search, all you need to do is to pick your target companies and start applying. Prepare a list of those companies that you find most interesting and in which you can fit your experience, personality and education, then start sending your resume and cover letter across. Make sure you have different templates for this and you are contacting the right person to look at your application.
5. Stay positive: your positive attitude will help you focus in what you want and will also be reflected in any interview you might get. Undertaking some of these tips will sure improve your chances of getting the right job because even though there are tons of jobs out there, you are just looking for one, the right one for you!
by: Eumari Bonilla
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