He Broke Up With You Because He Was Hurt - Get Your Ex To Forgive You And Be Your Guy Again

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If you didn't make mistakes, you wouldn't be human. You hurt your boyfriend and he crawled away to pout. Now you want to get him to forgive you and be your guy again. How easily this can be done will depend on how much he was hurt and how much he loves you. If it was just a lovers quarrel, that can be easy to patch up. If it was something more serious like cheating, that might not be so easy.
In any case, in order to get your ex back, you will have to put yourself in his place and think of how you would feel if he had done the same to you. What would he have to do to earn your forgiveness? Although women and men are apt to act differently to being hurt, they still have one thing in common. When they are hurt they don't want to be hassled.
This might sound strange, but the best way to get your ex to forgive you is to let him go. He does not want to hear any excuses or begging for forgiveness at this time. The more you push him, the farther he will pull away. You are not in any emotional condition to talk to him right now and he is still too angry to listen. That combination does not make for good communication.
To get him to forgive you, it will be necessary for you to show him you have changed. Not by saying you are sorry and it will never happen again. You will have to show through your actions that you have changed. The best time to start making those changes is right now. Do some deep soul searching and see what caused you to do whatever you did that hurt him. Then you will have to fix the problem.
If you have a problem with your temper, you might need some anger management classes to help you get it under control. If he caught you cheating, you have to end the affair once and for all. Whatever the problem it has to be remedied for good. You might get your ex boyfriend to forgive you this time, but repeating the same mistake will make him lose trust in you for good.
Whatever you do, don't try to rush it. You want your ex back, but these things take time and patience. But, true love will win over all and that is in your favor. If he loves you, he will understand that no one is perfect and give you another chance. Once you get that second chance don't blow it. He loved you enough to take you back this time, but your ex boyfriend might not be so willing to forgive you the next time.
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He Broke Up With You Because He Was Hurt - Get Your Ex To Forgive You And Be Your Guy Again