Who Can Benefit From Used Fire Trucks?

Share: Where do old, used fire trucks go to die? What if the truck is in fine working order and can help firemen put out a fire for a few more years
? There's a market for used fire trucks, and others can certainly take advantage of these vehicles before it's time to send them to the recycling plant.
Many fire houses can pick up used trucks to save some money. In this age of budget cuts, spending less on equipment that is serviceable can be a smart move - especially if the costs for repair are reasonable. Rural communities can certainly benefit from this kind of deal, since they generally have less in the coffers than big city locations. Spending less than $20,000 on a used truck that can still get firemen to the location, pump water through good hoses, and that includes a ladder might be life-saving, in fact.
If the engine's no good and the equipment doesn't work anymore, there's still a lot of possibility in the parts. There are many people who would love to take a truck apart for its components, including junk artists (who create art pieces and sculptures from found items or odd bits and pieces of things), DIY enthusiasts, and your neighborhood metal recycling guy.
When you break them down, there's plenty of use yet in those old trucks. Even if it's not museum quality, an old truck can be used as a creative potting or gardening shed. The grandkids would certainly find it endlessly amusing. Small parts, like lights, dials, or other interesting things can be used in a themed decor for a home or restaurant. Metal boxes can be turned upside down and used as planters.
In reality, it's kind of difficult to locate a good used fire truck because they're in such high demand. That's why it's important to constantly visit websites that offer such sales in order to take advantage as quickly as you can. With only a few fire truck manufacturers left in the United States, supply is low and expensive.
Because of this scarcity, most salvageable trucks are put to use. Some companies specialize in remanufacturing, repairing, and refurbishing this type of equipment for resale, so the truck you see racing down Main Street, sirens blaring, might be a truck that was new in the 1980s. If it's your house on fire, you wouldn't care as long as the truck brought along some firefighters and a lot of water and got the job done.
by: Art Gib
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